Oh, that Bloodroot with the bee! What a fabulous photo that is. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Been a very long time.
Wow, the trout lily flower is so gorgeous! All great photos, but the trout lily and the one with the bee are my favourites.
Thanks Caine and Nightjar.
Thank you for these, voyager. I miss these flowers.
There is something very similar to bloodroot this side of the pond (at least, from what I’ve read, bloodroot is native to Turtle Island therefore it’s not actual bloodroot), so I feel like I’ve seen it around. But the others -- yay spring!
Ice Swimmersays
Interesting looking flowers, both in strangeness and charm.
Oh, that Bloodroot with the bee! What a fabulous photo that is. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Been a very long time.
Wow, the trout lily flower is so gorgeous! All great photos, but the trout lily and the one with the bee are my favourites.
Thanks Caine and Nightjar.
Thank you for these, voyager. I miss these flowers.
There is something very similar to bloodroot this side of the pond (at least, from what I’ve read, bloodroot is native to Turtle Island therefore it’s not actual bloodroot), so I feel like I’ve seen it around. But the others -- yay spring!
Interesting looking flowers, both in strangeness and charm.