Just to ilustrate how much can be infered about a person from even such photo: those pine needles are in packs of three. That signifies North American forests, since such pines are not native in Europe and to my knowledge are not grown here in forests and only rarely in parks. Of course North America is huge, so that is not saying much. But if someone wishing to keep their location secret posted such a photo on Czech site, I could then say that their location is in or near only a handful of cities with parks where such pines are grown. The whole of Sherlock Holmes stories stand and fall with just such minuscule observations, each in itself insignificant, but together adding up.
Those shots are beautiful, but why are they turned 90° on the main site and turn the right way up only in full picture?
Oh, the photos being the wrong way would be my fault. I didn’t notice and rotate the canvas. They come in the wrong way often in email, and I need to do a manual edit on them. I’ll get it fixed.
Very good, Charly! Very clever! This reminds me of a story: one of the geologists at one of my father’s universities was called in to help with a sleuthing problem. Someone had mailed a box of ambergris to the US, but en route the ambergris was stolen, and a rock weighing the exact same amount had been substituted. So this geologist took a look at the sand and dirt that was also in the box with the rock, and figured out which country the ambergris had been stolen in. I don’t know if they ever got it back…
I don’t try and hide my location, so yes, I’ll admit it -- I am in North America! :-D
Actually where I live (Salzburg, Austria pretty close to CZ) these pines are not that rare. Since they’re not native to Central Europe I think it must have been in fashion at one time to plant them all over the place.
BTW, really fun to see photos of CE fauna and flora here, I love strolling through the woods but I’m a lousy photographer so thanks for these, Charly!
@malefue Interesting to know, but are you sure you do not mistake it for Pinus strobus, which has needles in packs of five and is planted all over Europe for wood production and became therefore very widely spread? I never heard of three-pack pines being used in Europe for wood production (Pinus coulteri, Pinus jeffreyi, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus radiata), they do not grow fast enough for that here. They might have escaped from park plantings of course and they are used in parks, sometimes more, sometimes less. They are not used much in CZ, but that is not to say they might not be used more in other countries.
Now I would like to know if our local fly amanitas are able to mycorhitticaly bond with introduced species in parks. Hm. According to Wiki it is not very picky w.r. to species. We live and learn.
Ah yes, sorry Kestrel.
Charly, I’m pretty sure they’re the same as in the pictures. I don’t know that they were planted for wood production, not much of that around here anyway for the last 300 years. Salt mining got rid of the big forests in the region fairly swiftly.
I suspect, since you see them a lot in public parks and green spaces around the city, that at some point in the past one of the archbishops or their gardeners must have found them interesting and it became a thing to plant them if you had money.
Fun fact: Until 1803 Salzburg was a church state, much like the Vatican still is today.
Just to ilustrate how much can be infered about a person from even such photo: those pine needles are in packs of three. That signifies North American forests, since such pines are not native in Europe and to my knowledge are not grown here in forests and only rarely in parks. Of course North America is huge, so that is not saying much. But if someone wishing to keep their location secret posted such a photo on Czech site, I could then say that their location is in or near only a handful of cities with parks where such pines are grown. The whole of Sherlock Holmes stories stand and fall with just such minuscule observations, each in itself insignificant, but together adding up.
Those shots are beautiful, but why are they turned 90° on the main site and turn the right way up only in full picture?
Oh, the photos being the wrong way would be my fault. I didn’t notice and rotate the canvas. They come in the wrong way often in email, and I need to do a manual edit on them. I’ll get it fixed.
Very good, Charly! Very clever! This reminds me of a story: one of the geologists at one of my father’s universities was called in to help with a sleuthing problem. Someone had mailed a box of ambergris to the US, but en route the ambergris was stolen, and a rock weighing the exact same amount had been substituted. So this geologist took a look at the sand and dirt that was also in the box with the rock, and figured out which country the ambergris had been stolen in. I don’t know if they ever got it back…
I don’t try and hide my location, so yes, I’ll admit it -- I am in North America! :-D
Actually where I live (Salzburg, Austria pretty close to CZ) these pines are not that rare. Since they’re not native to Central Europe I think it must have been in fashion at one time to plant them all over the place.
BTW, really fun to see photos of CE fauna and flora here, I love strolling through the woods but I’m a lousy photographer so thanks for these, Charly!
These are Kestrel’s photos, Malefue! I’m glad you’re enjoying them.
@malefue Interesting to know, but are you sure you do not mistake it for Pinus strobus, which has needles in packs of five and is planted all over Europe for wood production and became therefore very widely spread? I never heard of three-pack pines being used in Europe for wood production (Pinus coulteri, Pinus jeffreyi, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus radiata), they do not grow fast enough for that here. They might have escaped from park plantings of course and they are used in parks, sometimes more, sometimes less. They are not used much in CZ, but that is not to say they might not be used more in other countries.
Now I would like to know if our local fly amanitas are able to mycorhitticaly bond with introduced species in parks. Hm. According to Wiki it is not very picky w.r. to species. We live and learn.
Ah yes, sorry Kestrel.
Charly, I’m pretty sure they’re the same as in the pictures. I don’t know that they were planted for wood production, not much of that around here anyway for the last 300 years. Salt mining got rid of the big forests in the region fairly swiftly.
I suspect, since you see them a lot in public parks and green spaces around the city, that at some point in the past one of the archbishops or their gardeners must have found them interesting and it became a thing to plant them if you had money.
Fun fact: Until 1803 Salzburg was a church state, much like the Vatican still is today.
Pinus Radiata is a popular plantation tree in my part of southern Australia too.