All in all a bad night for the Teaparty


There is no joy in Teaville, mighty Cooch and the gang have struck out. It was a bad night all around for the Teaparty. A good night for Chris Christie who unofficially-officially launched his bid for the WH last night, and a decent night for progressives by default. Best of all it fans the Republican civil war between the know-nothings who can’t believe America doesn’t support their narrow views and the establishment GOP that shocked them into life: [Read more…]

Polls closed in VA & NJ

Update 2:30 AM Central: Jebus I fell asleep, sorry. Looks like the exit polls were right and McAuliffe pulled ahead in VA after all. But by about 1 to 2 points instead of the 4 or 5 confidently predicted. That’s worrisome, Cooch was running not just to curtail reproductive rights, he’s was hoping to make it harder for women in abusive marriages to get divorced and he was running in the wake of Bob McDonell, who is facing possible indictment and prison time. But a win is a win and that point and a half will mean thousand of Virginians won’t needlessly suffer or die when healthcare is expanded to include them. We should all be so lucky. Christie won as expected in NJ but his coattails were non existent.

Update: Networks now calling NJ for Christie. VA too close to call but MSNBC says as yet unseen exit polls show McAuliffe ahead. Know idea why, looks to me like Cooch has a solid lead. That would be sad for a lot of people in VA and really weird with no clear winner in Teaparty vs Establishment.

It remains to be seen if McAuliffe will live up to the polling hype in VA. But the result in NJ is assured: Christie will win in a landslide. What’s interesting to me is Christie supported the ACA, allowed a state exchange to be set up, and went ahead with the state legislature’s desire to accept the Medicaid expansion. Presumably McAuliffe would do the same (There are an estimated one-million residents of Virginia who currently lack health insurance). If so, a win for McAuliffe and Christie could easily be construed as a sweep for Obamacare. I’ll post results as they come in.

Election day all over again


Time is definitely going by faster as I age. It seems like only a couple of months ago that we were electing a President and now it’s that time of year again. There are a number of interesting races worth following, starting the VA governor’s race between Terry McAuliffe and the Cooch. This should be a no brainer, Cooch is running against both all kinds of reproductive rights and oral sex just to name a couple of nutty and dangerous positions the man holds. But it’s closer than it should be: [Read more…]

Those who fool us


I seem to be feeling a bit better, finally, at least for now. And I came across this image while following links on a social inequality piece a few days ago. It’s from the time of Karl Marx. Boy, they dialed in that religious platform eh? In fact the whole thing It seems quite applicable today. It’s probably a good thing for the US that Marxists didn’t incorporate religion into their ideology. Had they woven in a Sermon on the Mount, with Jesus-was-a-hippy-commie religious justification, who knows how things might have ended up?

One of the big problems with communism  was the mechanism for passing on power. In the USSR, uber sociopath Stalin got ahold of the reins and that was the end of that. But how would one prevent wealth from influencing and eventually taking a hold of democracy? It’s happened here many times and we’re smack dab in the middle of it again, with the usual dismal result for the vast majority of citizens.


Halloween is a busy night for demonologists


Note: rough earlier versions of this post briefly appeared for some reason. I take full responsibility for that which I did not cause and cannot control.

Karl Payne is a certified demonologist, whatever that means. We can safely assume it means he deeply believes, or claims to deeply believe, in super-natural critters the rest of us can’t see or hear and science has never been able to detect. Apparently Halloween is a busy night for demonologists, kinda like New Year’s Eve in an ER. Karl Payne is deeply concerned that this Halloween will intentionally or unintentionally open the door for demons to swarm through from the pit of hell or nearest parallel dimension.

But you probably won’t be surprised to learn that back when Karl was trick or treating, it was all innocent fun and games, a harmless quest for candy undertaken by wholesome kids facilitated by red-blooded American neighbors. It’s only lately, when Karl is older and no longer participates, that Halloween has taken such a dark turn. Beyond that it just gets hilarious: [Read more…]