Picture walking through an airport with this phone case glued to your ear.
Someone needs to make a foamed silicone ALIEN facehugger that you can just wrap around your head so it holds your phone in place. In the meantime, I’d settle for this isopod sound isolator: [nlab]
There is so much potential with this idea, my mind boggles. A phone case that looked like a hedgehog would be kind of awesome too. Or maybe a giant sea urchin.
It also comes with a baby isopod headband.
Isn’t this just Dali’s 1936 Aphrodisiac Telephone for the digital age?
You just know a Certain Someone would want a cephalopod …
Great. We engineers bust our butts to make your gadgets smaller, lighter, and more convenient, and what do you do once you get your hands on them? Make them bigger and clunkier!
It obscures the outward facing camera.
Hedgehog. Definitely hedgehog.
John Morales@#5:
It obscures the outward facing camera.
That may be a feature.
We engineers bust our butts to make your gadgets smaller, lighter, and more convenient, and what do you do once you get your hands on them? Make them bigger and clunkier!
It’s appreciated! Look how the smallness and lightness makes it more mod-able!
Phones now have cameras? What are people going to do with these things, take photos of their privates? It’ll be the ruin of us, I tell you.
Needs colour! I love it.
Hedgehogs love a colorful hairdo! Spinedo?
Needs colour! I love it.
They also make them in gold and silver, but I didn’t post pictures.
It appears they are a limited edition thing; we won’t see many of them.
I think big pink hedgehogs would be great. Especially if they were cast in soft sprongy silicone.
Needs more trilobite.