I got an email from someone suggesting this, so I did it.

I was experimenting with a new formulation that doesn’t have beeswax in it (softer) but it doesn’t demold cleanly. My original “FIGHT CLUB” formula has a tendency to go solid quickly, which means you have to keep the oils warm while you’re mixing it, which accellerates the reaction, and sometimes makes the soap foam from the heat.
This is a “failure” because of the demold issues. Anyone want some otherwise perfectly good soap bars? I now have about a dozen.. Mostly FIGHT CLUB and a few BOOK CLUB.
My friend Scott at SPDtool retired from working as an IT security specialist for a university, bought a CNC machine, and makes parts for gunsmiths and soap makers. Well, mostly gunsmiths. It turns out that a chunk of HDPE machines great in a CNC and makes a perfect soap mold. Once Scott and I nail down the design, I make a few silicone molds around the master HDPE form, and start pouring soap.
I can’t remember – do you use mold release? I wonder if that might help, in case you don’t use it…
Nice mold. I can highly recommend the soap to anyone, it’s great soap.
I used to do the molds using polyurethane rubber instead of silicone; it’s about half the cost but it’s more prone to deforming and aging and nothing sticks to silicone except silicone.
That’s what’s frustrating about demold failures: the soap is still perfectly good, it’s just kinda ugly. But I know people who don’t mind a mutant-looking soap. :)
I would love a book club soap if you still have some. How should I send you the cost of shipping and my details?
Email me a shipping address at mjr@ranum.com
I just offloaded my bars of Book Club but there’s more (and hopefully better) where it came from. Also a new batch of incense drying. So if you are patient, I’ll just send when it’s good and ready.
(edit: I don’t charge for my stuff. It’s just a way of getting rid of extra craft inventory. I would be up to my elbows in stuff otherwise, so your money’s not good here.)