Fire Rose.

Absolutely stunning rose, if this was in my garden, I’d be staring at it every day. From Nightjar: And here is the rose whose story I told in TNET 21. I love it so much, I find myself stopping to stare at it every time I go to that corner in the garden. Definitely click for full size!

© Nightjar, all rights reserved.

Jack’s Walk


Milkweed, before the autumn fuzzies set in, ©voyager, all rights reserved

It’s a beautiful morning so Jack and I set out early trying to beat the anticipated heat and we came upon some glorious milkweed. We didn’t see any butterflies, but the Monarchs love this stuff so I think they may have been hiding from the large snorfling dog.


Lilac Potato Blossom

Some potatoes have lilac colored blossoms, I do not know why. It does not seem to be entirely dependent on which variety it is, since there are both white and lilac in one row and that row allegedly contains only one variety. My suspicion is however that my dad mixed up the tubers inadvertently and that the lilac blossoms are those from the red potatoes (I do not know the exact variety we bought this year).

©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.