Jack’s Walk

Roadside Lilies, ©voyager, all rights reserved

Wild lilies, ©voyager, all rights reserved

These lilies grow wild in this area and right now is the height of their season. You see them everywhere, lining the roadside, filling the ditches and marking the edges of most every field. I love their bright colour and tall sturdy stems that allow them to sway in the breeze. I’ve tried to cut some to bring home in the past, but they don’t last so now I just admire them where they live.

Tree Tuesday

This week we have a trio of beautiful trees from Lofty who says: They are all much the same species of Eucalypt in a nearby region of dairy farms. The big solitary trees can’t reproduce easily as they are surrounded by large munchie beasts.

I think they’re each lovely all by themselves, but together Lofty’s clever titling makes them a humorous and thoughtful grouping.

Thanks, Lofty. Click for full size.

cemetree, ©Lofty, all rights reserved

magestree, ©, Lofty all rights reserved

senilitree, ©Lofty, all rights reserved


Jack’s Walk

It’s a 32° day here with rain expected this evening and boy do we need it. It was supposed to rain all weekend, but we only had a bit of drizzle on Saturday so all the growing things are still thirsty. The heat today will only make that worse so I hope the weatherman has it right this time.

Note: Thanks to kestrel for correctly identifying this plant as False Solomon’s Seal.

 False Solomon’s Seal, ©voyager, all rights reserved


Black Baccara & Black Dragon.

Stunning Roses from Nightjar: As promised, I’m sending photos of my “black” roses. The dark red one I bought this year as a Black Baccara, the striped one was planted by my grandmother many years ago and it still blossoms abundantly every year. I don’t know exactly what variety it is, but after a quick google search I came up with three different names that could describe it: “Black Dragon”, “Abracadabra” and “Simsalabim”. I don’t know which one is more appropriate, I just know it’s a beautiful rose!  I just want to bury my nose in that first rose. Click for full size!

© Nightjar, all rights reserved.

Jack’s Walk

False Spiraea, ©voyager, all rights reserved

The upcoming weekend promises to be hot and humid and neither Jack nor I do well in that kind of weather. We’ll probably need to get up early and hope for the best. Today is gorgeous, though, and we enjoyed a pleasant walk along the meadow path close to the Thames River. I’m pretty sure this plant is False Spiraea and it’s one of my favorites. I’m a fairly tactile person and I really love those fuzzy plants that invite you to touch them.

Jack’s Walk

Smoke tree

©voyager, all rights reserved

We haven’t had much rain lately and the lawns are suffering and turning brown. I think that’s a good thing because it means it’s easy on Jack’s feet. It’s the moist, green grass that makes his big, webbed feet itch so now he’s free to spend some time checking out his own nieghbourhood. Telephone poles and trees are of particular interest, but so are hostas, car tires, kid’s toys, flower planters and garden hoses. I swear a 3 block walk took us longer than a 3 km trail, including the car ride there and back. It’s Jack’s walk, though, so I let him take as much time as he wants. I figure it takes me a while to deal with e-mail, so it must take just as long to deal with p-mail.

A brand new feature: Tree Tuesday

There’s a new feature starting today at Affinity and we’re calling it Tree Tuesday. The idea came in response to all the interesting photos Caine has been posting lately of the trees near the cancer center she attends. They’ve been so enjoyable that I think it would be fun to see more trees from lots of different places.

The idea is as straight-forward as the name suggests and we want your submissions. Any tree is fair game so grab your camera or dig through your stash and send those photos in. Submitting is easy, but a bit different from the usual route for other things. Send your tree photos to me, voyager, at mameow2@rogers.com. The address is also on the sidebar now so I’m easy to find.

Caine and I will continue to post trees on other days as usual, but Tree Tuesday is a sure bet and the day when your tree photos take center stage. Thanks and happy snapping.

Waiting for Halloween, ©voyager, all rights reserved