Michele Bachmann is slithering back into the political scene. Maybe. Just say no, people. Michele was on Jim Bakker’s glurge-fest last week, saying she was considering running for Franken’s vacant seat:
Bachmann said that she has “had people contact me and urge me to run for that Senate seat” and that she is asking God if doing so in His will for her.
Bachmann said that she would be willing to run in order to take godly principles into the Senate but is concerned that she will be unfairly attacked by Washington insiders because “the swamp is so toxic.”
Uh huh. None of this is new, and it’s just amazing how you can sit there and opine on the toxicity of that Washington swamp, given that your hero was supposed to have cleaned that all up. Guess that wasn’t one of the miraculous “accomplishments” of the Tiny Tyrant.
“I trust in a big God,” Bachmann said, asserting that she “was supposed to run for president” in 2012 in order to make the the repeal of Obamacare the central issue of the Republican platform. “I feel like I was wildly successful … I didn’t win, but I moved the debate. So I didn’t shed a tear when I left the contest because I felt like, you know, I fulfilled the calling that God gave me.”
A “big god”. Right. I guess everything has to have a ‘big’ appended to it now. I wish this bit of idiocy would die. All I can think about now is Honeycomb Cereal…
- Honeycomb’s big…yeah yeah yeah!
- It’s not small…no no no!
- Honeycomb’s got…a big big bite!
- Big big (taste/crunch) in a big big bite!
That almost works if you use ‘god’ instead of Honeycomb. Oh look, Michele thinks she was single-handedly responsible for the republican upset over healthcare! My my, some people might think that to be a tad arrogant. You didn’t move a thing, Michele. All anyone wanted was for you to shut the fuck up. Pretty sure people still want that.
“So the question is am I being called to do this now?” she added. “I don’t know.”
You don’t know? How is that possible? Your BIG god doesn’t have a BIG answer for you? Lazy slacker god. Or perhaps you aren’t praying enough, Michele. Go away and pray. Please.
Bakker eventually piped in to express his concern about the nasty nature of politics today, saying that “right now, they want to kill the president of the United States and if they could put a contract [out on Donald Trump]—which they probably already have—they would do so.”
Oh FFS, get off this theme already, Jim. It’s dead. Over. Gone. The stupid is too much to bear. You assign every possible evil to this nefarious ‘they’, ‘they’ get away with everything, but y’know, here in gun central, no one can get a contract going. Uh huh. At some point, you need to make an effort to be somewhat coherent, else you’ll even start losing the seriously gullible.
There’s video at RWW.
Why do I have a feeling Big God is going to tell her to run, unless she can’t get the donors and then Biggus Goddus is going to tell her not to run.
Do these people know any intensifiers except “big” and “very”?
@Giliell, perhaps “very big”?
Bogle…yep, that’s the one.
I’ve got her “Big God” right here. [profane gesticulating follows]
My god is the biggest god.fact.
…well, that’s the end of that debate (dusts off hands)…
We have met “them” and they is us.
She must be getting low on funds. A senatorial run might just replenish her bank account enough to allow her to live her preferred lifestyle for a while longer.
Big Gode.
Very Trinity.
Such Omnipotent.
So Creator.
Much Savior.