Mano Singham has a good post up about all the upset. As for me, this was my comment there:
Y’know, I don’t really see how this is different from noisy christian assholes saying ‘god’ was punishing Texas for having a gay mayor and allowing abortion. Yet that’s acceptable, and the mockery on the part of Hebdo isn’t.
They are saying it’s the victims’ fault, too. No one is yelling about that.
I can’t get all that worked up about the cover. Is it nice to mock victims of a not so natural (climate change) disaster? No. Are there lots of people in Texas, who while they may not be outright nazis, share many a view with them? Probably. Is the United States swirling down the drain of fascism fair game? Yeah, I think it is. When you’re presenting a HUGE fucked-upness on the world stage, you have to learn to take it now and then, and before reacting, at least give yourself a few moments for thinking.
I gave two examples of people who consider themselves to be patriots, conservatives, and christian. They are pointing their minatory finger, and that of Jehovah straight at Texas, and all those victims of the flood. Oh yes, goddidit, and it’s all their fault. They are unabashedly placing the blame on the victims, and yet, not even a whimper of protest, let alone a roar. Until all those fine, outraged Americans find enough spine to spit in the face of their fellow christians hollering judgment, I think you should sit down and be quiet. Look to home, and deal with all the assholes and wannabe terrorists right here. They are everywhere, all around you. Try to have something to say about that.
ETA: Oh, we have another fine example! Texas Secretary of State Rolando Pablos (R-TX):
Quebec’s Minister of International Relations Christine St-Pierre called Pablos to express her sorrow and condolences on behalf of the people of the Canadian province. She also offered equipment and manpower.
Pablos turned it down. Instead he asked for “prayers from the people of Quebec,” the minister relayed.
Understandably, the neighbor to the north was shocked.
“It was a conversation about how devastating the situation is and we want to express our support to the people of Texas,” she told CBC News in an interview.
Isn’t that just splendid, Americans? Goodness, how those republicans do look after your best interests. We deserve every drop of fucking mockery directed our way. Via Raw Story.
The Charlie Hebdo cover is certainly mockery. But who or what of? I’d lay a penny to a pound that its target is the “God is punishing Teh Gheys” bollocks, not the victims of the flood.
That was my assumption as well, Daz. Which is why I’d really like it if all those outraged over it would shut the fuck up and think.
Then you have this:
Who needs mockery when you have such reps?
That is disgusting. The article you link to @3, that is.
As for Hebdo, well, at least they’re impartial as to which stereotypes they employ in their satire, so I guess equal opportunity? Also what Daz said.
Hebdo’s whole raisin date is to get up peoples’ noses, and they are wildly successful at that. I just can’t find the energy to be offended, when there are so many people right here, who are being much more offensive, and in a way that will hurt all people.
Yum, raisins.
Daz @1:
I’d lay a penny to a pound that the CH editors are old white blokes who don’t know, or don’t care, that most of the limbs extending from the water in real life aren’t white ones, and they’re not saluting. It’s a cheap shot at what they see as the Republican heartland (which is a simplistic view of Houston, but hey it’s in Texas!), without regard to the actual lives lost and ruined. As for intended targets, did intent become magic for a brief spell?
Believe it or not, it’s possible to be perpetually outraged by the constant flow of toxic effluent in the US, and also recognize the clueless bullshit in the CH cover.
Rob, fine, be offended. FFS, no one is stopping you from being so, or telling you that you can’t be. As for me, I stick by what I said @ 5.
Just in case anyone is confused by the ‘raisin date’, it’s an eggcorn of raison d’etre.
I laughed aloud at this :
Ya gotta be ki .. no? Really? FFS!
Rob, you are free to believe what you like. And yes, when evaluating mockery, it does actually make a difference who the intended target is—in this case just as much as in, for instance, the “Piss Christ” case, during which I recall precisely nobody around here bringing up “intent is not magic” in defence of those who had misread the artist’s intent.
And nothing you’ve said shows that your reading of the artist’s intent is any more likely to be valid than mine, so quit with the fucking sarcasm already.
Mmm, dates.*
Intent is neither a magic get-out-of-jail-free card, nor irrelevant.
* = I wonder if pureed raisins and dates would be good for a sweet and hot mustard. I’ve been experimenting with dates as a component in making mustard (mustard powder, dates, water, oil, almond flour, red vinegar, turmeric, pepper and salt).
Ice Swimmer:
Well said. It’s certainly not irrelevant, especially when it comes to art work.
I’ve found that most anything will go with mustard. Sounds like a grand experiment! Let me know how it goes.
Speaking of art. A couple of documentaries you might enjoy:
Mechanical Marvels, Clockwork Dreams
A History of Art in Three Colours – White
(The second one is the third in a series, the first two being Gold and Blue, but the linked one was the only one I thought made any truly interesting observations.)
Thank you, Daz!