That I’ve subtly changed (or dramatically) the focus of this blog away from authoritarianism, bad government, online arguments, etc., and toward more lightweight things.
I just couldn’t keep trying to put together thoughtful essays related to the political climate, or climate change, or any of the 10 million other horrible things we encounter every day. I was going to either have to shut down the blog, or stop gargling mouthfuls of america’s sewage and trying to filter out nuggets of value with my teeth. My teeth simply can’t take that.
So, I wouldn’t characterize this as an “AI art blog” or a “maker blog” or whatever – it’s just that I’m lightening up the content a lot and orienting toward what delights me, rather than what enrages me.
I hope you understand.
PS – readership is up, now that I am less coated in angst and slime. So, there’s that. It’s not a particularly important metric to me, but it’s one of the few metrics I do have.
Most definitely blog about whatever you want to. I find many of the AI images amusing.
Understood, but not all is lost…yet. The recent anti-gun walk-outs by high school students, and hearing youngsters articulately arguing for reason, let this old fart retain a glimmer of hope.
The recent anti-gun walk-outs by high school students, and hearing youngsters articulately arguing for reason, let this old fart retain a glimmer of hope.
Aye. And if I knew any of them, or thought any of them read this blog, I’d be offering them free copies of Rules for Radicals and The Fire Next Time.
I hadn’t noticed exactly, but this explains why I’ve commented more lately. I always read it before, but I’m running out of things to say about horrible shit that don’t just make me feel worse.
Like Great American Satan, I’ve followed you blog for quite some time. In the past, you’ve educated me about various aspects of security and the history of various uprisings and such; these days your AI images often make me laugh. Both of those are Good Things.
I think this is a great thing. I’m loosely quoting Ursula K. LeGuin here, but I know some people would see the change as “escapist”. Her point: people do not escape to prison. People escape towards freedom. So when someone says (as though it were a bad thing) “this is escapist” she wonders, what, exactly, people are trying to say there.
One of the jobs of the blog is to make you happy, as well. If you have the strength, time, and will, to talk about the horrible issues in society right now, that’s all well and good. But if you are sick of that sewage, and write instead of the wonder and beauty around us, that’s good too. Actually I think all of us could use some respite from the sewage.
The change I actually miss is you blogging about what you have been making other than the AI images (which I do find amusing). The sewage I can get elsewhere, the local river for starters (we have a real problem with the companies that are supposed to deal with our sewage not having invested in actual facilities, because you know, paying out big dividends is more important, so facilities are overwhelmed regularly as they age and/or new housing is built without an increase in capacity and it’s cheaper to pay the fines, same old same old).
ya gotta admit, AI art is easier than making katanas out of rebar or whatever
GAS> ouch, I’m partially offended just reading that. :)
But, yeah, I enjoy the crafting posts, and I can see the AI prompted stuff being a variant/subset of that.
Needs more soap.
The shift to more lightweight topics is just what the doctor ordered as far as I’m concerned. While your style of political/social commentary here does get me to peer deeper into the abyss, it doesn’t bring the despair I get from other politically-oriented venues, so please carry in your own fashion.
I like to think of these blogs as a form of group therapy. If the group leader is unhappy then direction must change. There are plenty of things you will write about that many of us will read and comment on because you are an interesting and thoughtful person. Be healthy, and keep on doing what you like!
Thank you all for your thoughts.
Re: “more soap” I feel like I mined that vein out. I actually stopped making solid soaps a few years ago, because certain people (none of you!) began to expect that I would continue to provide them with soap on demand, as if it required no effort on my part. Hmmm, I ought to do a posting on that topic… I still make liquid soap for my own purposes – my head and body and clothes are all washed in scent-free hemp soap made in my own lab of evil (aka: my kitchen)
I have been continually making stuff; it’s what I do. Many strange and beautiful things have come and gone from my bench. (Strange: beautiful, 9:1) I suppose I should post about those. I’ll try. Often, I am looking forward to the next project, and ignore the blur in the rear-view mirror because it may be the reaper gaining on me.
Some of my projects I have not posted about because they might be embarrassing overkill. I suppose I should just own them.
Some of my projects I have not posted about because they might be embarrassing overkill. I suppose I should just own them.
I agree that you go to some extremes in pursuit of creating, and find it completely charming.
In a world where cheap and fast is the general standard of goods, I appreciate things which are well designed and built to last, to the point of indestructibility.
Art is never achieved by being average or mediocre. Aim high!
Nice shift.