Ho’oponopono is an indigenous concept of reconciliation and forgiveness. Basically, it’s a traditional form of confession and making things right. It has nothing to do with flaky white people, but of course, it’s a new age thing.
But I suspect this is more of a con than reconciliation.
Oh yes, definitely! This has nothing to do with indigenous tradition or rites. This would be the flaky, new age crap, whatever that might be, and I really don’t want to know. It’s bad enough that people are once again helping themselves to bits of indigenous culture.
So it’s like dynamite in that it heals deep wounds? Cool.
(I guess that if you’re spread thinly enough on the walls, no wound is “deep” anymore. But I would still argue that “heal” may not be quite the right word here.)
OK, so this flaky, new age crap solves all the problems of flaky white people? Who have really awful problems like in this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwvlbJ0h35A Gotcha. That truly is the Power Of WTF.
If it’s any help, that’s Hawaiian: “`” indicates a glottal stop… https://www.hawaii.edu/site/info/diacritics.php
Ho’oponopono is an indigenous concept of reconciliation and forgiveness. Basically, it’s a traditional form of confession and making things right. It has nothing to do with flaky white people, but of course, it’s a new age thing.
Ho’oponopono is an indigenous concept of reconciliation and forgiveness.
Well, that sounds reasonable. But I suspect this is more of a con than reconciliation.
Oh yes, definitely! This has nothing to do with indigenous tradition or rites. This would be the flaky, new age crap, whatever that might be, and I really don’t want to know. It’s bad enough that people are once again helping themselves to bits of indigenous culture.
So it’s like dynamite in that it heals deep wounds? Cool.
(I guess that if you’re spread thinly enough on the walls, no wound is “deep” anymore. But I would still argue that “heal” may not be quite the right word here.)
OK, so this flaky, new age crap solves all the problems of flaky white people? Who have really awful problems like in this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwvlbJ0h35A Gotcha. That truly is the Power Of WTF.