I’m falling way behind on my goal to post three times a week. It’s not because there isn’t cool science to talk about, and it’s not because the Discovery Institute isn’t still wrong. I’m preparing to move the lab to Atlanta near the end of July, and I have family in town, so most of my free time is filled up. There are weddings, floats, fishing, hiking, backpacking, and lots of eating out (don’t cry for me).
I will be going to several meetings this Fall, and the pace of posts will likely pick back up then:
August 4-7: 2nd ASM Conference on Experimental Microbial Evolution in Washington, DC.
August 21-25: CAN-7 team meeting in Missoula, MT.
September 12-15: NASA Executive Council Meeting in Missoula, MT.
September 29-30: Phycomorph in Limassol, Cyprus.
Raucous Indignation says
You checked in to tell us you’re not blogging because you’re having way more fun than we are? Hrrmm …