It’s become something of a running joke in the tran hivemind:
Kent Host: Hi, and welcome. Today, we’re discussing transgenderismology. We’ve got our experts, Miranda Nimby from Concerned Mums Who Have Never Met A Trans Person, and Professor Doctor Barry Scienceman (area of expertise: Astrophysics).
Miranda: Thanks, Kent,
Barry: Great to be here.
Kent Host: So, Miranda, why don’t you start by outlining your concerns?
Miranda: Well, Kent, I just think that all these things are moving too fast. When I was a child, I loved reading about George in the Famous Five. But did you know that if George existed today, she would be forcibly bundled off to a Gender Reassignment Camp, force-fed hormones, sterilised, have a beard superglued to her face, and then indoctrinated into the patriarchy?
Kent Host: Wow, that sounds dreadful. Barry, what’s your perspective?
Barry: Well, as an astrophysicist, this isn’t really a subject I’m qualified to comment on. But if I were to wildly speculate, I would assume that this is the end of civilisation as we know it, and a probable contributor to the heat death of the universe.
Kent Host: So if I understand you correctly, the existence of trans people could be the end of life on Earth?
Miranda: Absolutely.
Barry: That is a very strong possibility.
Read more here.
This is brilliant.
Well, that’s true, but then so is everything.
@ ^ Matthew Herron : Actually whether someone is trans* or cis has no impact whatsoever on the heat death of the cosmos which is the result of entropy and the gradual cooling off of the universe since the Big Bang.