Content Notice: Racism, to put it lightly.
Today on “I can’t even,” George Zimmerman places an auction on GunBroker.com for the weapon he used to murder Trayvon Martin, whose sham of a trial was the flash point for the #BlackLivesMatter movement. It was thankfully taken down promptly, but check out the auction’s description:
“I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon,” Zimmerman wrote in the item’s description. “The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012… This is a piece of American History.”
It’s a piece of American history alright. Symbolizing all at once the intersection of capitalist exploitation and imperial scapegoating. A nation soaked in Native and Black blood, boasting of its ability first create, and then exploit, the powerless. This is the legacy any of the former European colonies inherited, and it lives on in modern conservatism. It may hide under banners like “self-defence,” but we recognize it for what it is.
Zimmerman, you’re the type who makes me rethink my pacifism.
I saw this at Raw Story, along with a photo of a grinning, cigar chomping Zimmerman. He wanted the money for the weapon to go to fucking up Black Lives Matter as much as possible. Zimmerman is a vile, virulent racist, and I still am absolutely lost as to how people thought he should be allowed to fucking walk.
“The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from the young man I was stalking and had no business approaching at night in a suspicious and aggressive manner.”
FTFY, George.
The blurb about it on the morning news that I listen to as I fix my breakfast said the starting bid was $5000. Five fucking thousand dollars! I guess he figured that some white supremacist would want it badly enough to shell out that kind of money. Disgusting!
His 15 minutes was over long ago. Now he owes us all time back on our clocks.
That would be why a jury is required to hear ALL the evidence presented at a trial, rather than just reading bits of it on the internet.
It seems the defence was right to ask for anonymity for the jurors, because, as they put it “[jurors] may be subject to rebuke and possible retribution, should the verdict not comport with certain factions’ desires in this matter”.
Zimmerman auctioning his gun is just about the most quintessentially American thing that’s happened this year. It so perfectly combines racism, triumphalism, crass poor taste, fame-hunger and grasping capitalist avarice .