I have a rather peculiar taste in music. It seems I don’t have any preference for genres, although some genre conventions mean the typical song within that genre might miss what I look for. As a classically trained musician, I harbour a strong appreciation for entire score. That is to say, I appreciate good “layering.” I don’t hone in on any part of a song, but rather have to consider the sum of the parts. If any part is off, I don’t like the song. The lyrics have to possess some kind of structure. The harmony has to be at least as catchy as the melody. The bass has to produce motion. Much like I can predict what is about to come in a sentence as I am reading it, I should be able to have an approximation of what’s going to happen in the next bar. It can’t be overly monotonous but transitions to different “attitudes” should be surprising. You see my problem?
So, I present a modern iteration of what I just babbled about: the Trine series. In particular, Trine 2:
While I’m waiting for my appointment with a publicly covered therapist, I need to deal with this crippling depression somehow. Getting lost in music that can take me on a journey seems like a safe way to lose myself, for a few hours at a time. No side effects or addictions. Plus, I can take note of songs I want to cover, eventually!
Please, share an ear worm with me, and tune in to the deliciously suggestive Trine 2 OST. Bob your head to the sway of the sassy Bassoon! She pokes her head in every few songs to “nuh-uh” the audience, wagging her finger back and forth. Unless she pairs with the harpsichord and strings, in which case, they’re all plotting something no good.
Try the Moon Hunters OST. Kentucky Route Zero also had a few amazing tracks like Too Late to Love You.
I’d recommend the Bastion OST (Available to listen to and purchase here). Individual tracks don’t have much in terms of internal transitions (after all, being written for a game means you’ve generally gotta get back to where you started – looping tracks and whatnot), but there’s a good variety from track to track. And while themes reappear between tracks, it doesn’t feel like an hour of the same thing. I also like how the two tracks with lyrics (Mother, I’m Here and Build That Wall) combine in the last track (Setting Sail, Coming Home). A few specific tracks that give a feel for the whole would be Terminal March and Mine, Windbag, Mine.
The Transistor OST, by the same composer, is also great, but I feel that it doesn’t have as much internal variation as Bastion.
Two other albums that are on my regular work playlist are Parov Stelar’s Coco (sort of like a cross between electronic and swing), and Carpenter Brut’s TRILOGY (sorta creepy electronic/rock), but I feel I’ve already written too long of a comment already, so I won’t go into longer breakdowns of them. :)
Dammit guys, I had like 5 of these planned and you gone and spoiled my next selections! :P
Well, we can still act surprised. :P
Though if between Baji-Naji and myself, if we picked all four remaining selections, then I really will be surprised!