Yer Not Trad!

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A few days ago, we had a bunch of drunk nazis singing about trad [traditional] women. Today, we have two white supremacist women who sing praises to trad women being taken down by the audience they cater to, because it turns out, they aren’t trad.

Lauren Southern, a conservative activist and media personality who is frequently praised by the alt-right sympathizers on YouTube and 4chan, thought it was necessary to explain to her viewers earlier this month why she was not married and did not have children despite being one of the most prominent new media voices promoting “traditionalist” lifestyles where women marry early and are relegated to housekeeping and child-rearing.


“I don’t usually respond to comments because in my opinion comments don’t represent what I say, however I have gotten so many comments lately that have misinterpreted the message  I’m trying to put out there that it’s gotten to a point where unfortunately I think I do need to address it,” Southern said, going on to explain that she is not married at 22 years old for many of the same reasons other women do not get married in their early 20s and that it would actually be “degenerate” of her to get married right now.

Southern described the attacks against her as “shocking” and “insane,” which is a bit odd given that she has conditioned her audience with video after video promoting traditionalism among women, mocking women who are happy being single, attempting to embarrass protesters marching for women’s rights, among other generally anti-social-justice messages. When her most ideologically devoted fans tested her commitment to the views she espouses, Southern conceded that she speaks in “generalities.”

Shocking! Insane! It’s very difficult for me to believe any of this could actually come as a shock. I suppose a person could put themselves in an intentional bubble, parroting evil shit to make money, without paying attention to their audience. I seriously doubt this is the case, though. These women had to know the sort of views their audience had and supported, and that their audience is highly misogynistic.

As for the hypocrisy, well, that’s nothing new. “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Tara McCarthy, a YouTube pundit who describes herself as an ethno-nationalist and a member of the alt-right, has been facing similar attacks. McCarthy received so many comments attacking her for not having children that she locked her Twitter account right after posting that she was going to “take a break from Twitter because I need to think without being inundated by notifications.”

Tara McCarthy: I had no idea that the Alt Right was a designated ‘male space’ but at this rate I’ll happily leave the Alt Right. I have no desire to stick around in a place where I am unwanted.

She was responding to #DSA Melancholia: Oh look, another slit trying to police male spaces.

Slit. There’s lovely language for you.

Last year, McCarthy and her husband were outed by the YouTube vegan community as insane racists, spurring a backlash that forced McCarthy to delete her channel. Since then, McCarthy has created a newer YouTube presence to provide a platform for white supremacist activists who openly identify as neo-Nazis, such as Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin, to advocate that women produce as many white children as possible, and to decry feminism and encourage women to get married early.

It’s easier for me to believe McCarthy is in a self-made bubble, doing whatever she can to gain a following and monetize whatever she goes on about. Even so, it can’t be any sort of surprise that the ‘alt-right’ takes a dim view of women in general, relegating them to background, doing all those trad things: poppin’ out babies, and hanging out in the kitchen, cooking for those hard working nazis.

RWW has video and a tonne of links.

Fox, Yale, and Wolf.

The fox is crafty and deceitful. When it is hungry it rolls in red earth to look as if it is covered in blood. It feigns death by holding its breath. Birds come to sit on the body whereupon the fox jumps up and eats them.

The fox is crafty and deceitful. When it is hungry it rolls in red earth to look as if it is covered in blood. It feigns death by holding its breath. Birds come to sit on the body whereupon the fox jumps up and eats them.

The yale is as large as a horse, is black, and has an elephant's tail and the jaws of a wild boar. Its horns are long and mobile: one can fold backwards while the other fights.

The yale is as large as a horse, is black, and has an elephant’s tail and the jaws of a wild boar. Its horns are long and mobile: one can fold backwards while the other fights.

The wolf approaches a sheepfold like a dog, stealthily and silently, without waking the shepherd. His eyes shine at night like lamps.

The wolf approaches a sheepfold like a dog, stealthily and silently, without waking the shepherd. His eyes shine at night like lamps.

Text Translation:

Of the fox The word vulpis, fox, is, so to say, volupis. For it is fleet-footed and never runs in a straight line but twists and turns. It is a clever, crafty animal. When it is hungry and can find nothing to eat, it rolls itself in red earth so that it seems to be stained with blood, lies on the ground and holds it breath, so that it seems scarcely alive. When birds see that it is not breathing, that it is flecked with blood and that its tongue is sticking out of its mouth, they think that it is dead and descend to perch on it. Thus it seizes them and devours them. The Devil is of a similar nature. For to all who live by the flesh he represents himself as dead until he has them in his gullet and punishes them. But to spiritual men, living in the faith, he is truly dead and reduced to nothing. Those who wish to do the Devil’s work will die, as the apostle says: ‘For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.’ (Romans, 8:13) And David says: ‘They shall go into the lower parts of the earth: they shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.’ (Psalms, 63:9-10)

Of the yale There is an animal called the yale. It is black, as big as a horse, with the tail of an elephant, the jaws of a boar and unusually long horns, adjustable to any movement the animal might make. For they are not fixed but move as the needs of fighting require; the yale advances one of them as it fights, folding the other back, so that if the tip of the first is damaged by a blow, it is replaced by the point of the second.

Of the wolf The word lupus, wolf, in our Latin tongue derives from the Greek. For the Greeks call it licos; this comes from the Greek word for ‘bites’, because maddened by greed, wolves kill whatever they find. Others say the word lupus is, as it were, leo-pos, because like the lion, leo, their strength is in their paws, pes. As a result, whatever they seize does not survive. Wolves get their name from their rapacity: for this reason we call whores lupae, she-wolves, because they strip their lovers of their wealth. The wolf is rapacious beast and craves blood. It strength lies in its chest or its jaws, least of all in its loins. It cannot turn its neck around. It is said to live sometimes on its prey, sometimes on earth and sometimes, even, on the wind. The she-wolf bears cubs only in the month of May, when it thunders. Such is the wolf’s cunning that it does not catch food for its cubs near its lair but far away. If it has to hunt its prey at night, it goes like a tame dog here and there to a sheepfold, and lest the sheepdogs catch its scent and wake the shepherds, it goes upwind. And if a twig or anything, under the pressure of its paw, makes a noise, it nips the the paw as a punishment. The wolf’s eyes shine in the night like lamps.

Well, that’s a new one to me, calling women Lupae. I guess men who stripped others of their wealth were good christians.

It has this characteristic, that if it sees a man first, it takes away his power of speech and looks at him with scorn, as victor over the voiceless. If it senses that the man has seen it first, it loses its fierceness and its power to run. Solinus, who has a lot to say about the nature of things, says that on the tail of this animal there is a tiny patch of hair which is a love-charm; if the wolf fears that it may be captured, it tears the hair out with its teeth; the charm has no power unless the the hair is taken from the wolf while it is still alive. The Devil has the nature of a wolf; he always looks with an evil eye upon mankind and continually circles the sheepfold of the faithful of the Church, to ruin and destroy their souls. The fact that the she-wolf gives birth when the thunder first sounds in the month of May signifies the Devil, who fell from heaven at the first display of his pride. The fact that its strength lies in its forequarters and not in its hindquarters also signfies the Devil, who was formerly the angel of light in heaven, but has now been made an apostate below.

The wolf’s eyes shine in the night like lamps because the works of the Devil seem beautiful and wholesome to blind and foolish men. When the she-wolf bears her young, she will only catch food for them far away from her lair, because the Devil cherishes with wordly goods those he is sure will suffer punishment with him in the confines of hell. But he constantly pursues those who distance themselves from him by good works; as we read of the blessed Job, whose name, substance, sons and daughters the devil carried off to make him desert the Lord in his heart. The fact that the wolf cannot turn his neck without turning the whole of his body signifies that the Devil never turns towards the correction of penitence. Now what is to be done for a man when the wolf has taken away his power of shouting, when he has lost even the power of speech; he loses the help of those who are at a distance. But what is to be done? The man should take off his clothes and trample them underfoot, and taking two stones in his hands, he should beat one against the other. What happens then? The wolf, losing the boldness that comes with its courage will run away. The man, saved by his cleverness, will be free, as he was in the beginning. This is to be understood in spiritual terms and can be taken to a higher level as an allegory. For what do we mean by the wolf if not the Devil? What by the man, if not sin? What by the stones, if not the apostles, or other saints of our Lord? For they are all called by the prophet ‘stones of adamant’.(see Ezekiel, 3:9) For our Lord himself is called in the law ‘as tumbling stone and rock of offence’; (see Romans, 9:33, 1 Peter,2:8) and the prophet says of him: ‘I saw a man standing on a mountain of adamant.’ [SOURCE] Before we were finally redeemed, we were under the power of the enemy and had lost the capacity to call for help, and much as our sins required it, we were not heard by God, nor could we call any of the saints to our aid. But after God in his mercy bestowed his grace upon us in his son, in the act of baptism we laid aside, like old clothes, the person we were before, withall his deeds, and put on, like new clothes, a new person made in the image of God. Then we took stones in our hands and beat them one against the other, because we attract with our prayers the attention of the saints of God, who now reign with him in heaven, asking them to gain the ear of God, our judge, and procure a pardon for our sin, lest Cerberus, whom we do not know should swallow us up, rejoicing in our death.

Wolves mate on no more than twelve days in the year. They can go hungry for a long time, and after long fasts, eat a large amount. Ethiopia produces wolves with manes, so diversely coloured, men say, that no hue is lacking. A characteristic of Ethiopian wolves never turns towards the correction of penitence. is that they leap so high that they seem to have wings, going further than they would by running. They never attack men, however. In winter, they grow long hair; in summer, they are hairless. The Ethiopians call them theas.

This is an Ethiopian Wolf (Theas is correct).

Folio 16r – Leucrota, continued. De vulpe; the fox.

Tīw’s Day Mood.

Tezaura – Heavenhell.

Find it
Hidden in my deeds
Tones which don’t fit
Secrets between the beats

Find out
Horrors born in my mind
Where even I’m in doubt
If some sanity was left behind

But when you smile
Just a while
My heart warms
I’m out of fears
And wish for more tears
More time to live, things to give
More smiles and butterflies
Shapes the most beautiful
This place where we dwell

Find more
Nuances between hurt and grace
See all the gore
In my life and numbness that I embrace

But when you smile
Just a while
My heart warms
I’m out of fears
And wish for more tears
More time to live, things to give
More smiles and butterflies
Shapes the most beautiful
This place where we dwell

Drowned and lost in this chaos
In queer delight
Crossfade of darkness and light
Death, joy, life, hate, grief, hope, love
This cocktail is tough
But I’ll never get drunk enough

More tears
More time to live, things to give
More smiles and butterflies
Shapes the most beautiful
This place where we dwell

Satanic Pedophiles. Thousands. Yawn.

Our demon today is Leonard, who is a grand-master of the nocturnal orgies of demons. He is represented as a three-horned goat, with a black human face. He marks his initiates with one of his horns. Infernal powers obtained from the worship of Master Leonard range from metamorphosis into monstrous animals or men to flight as an incubus.

It’s self-styled ‘prophet’ Mark Taylor again. He just can’t let go of the satanic pedophile business, but as he’s predicting this time that they will be caught by the military, I suppose he has a new shtick all ready. We’ll see what happens when this prediction doesn’t come true either.

Claiming that there are nearly 5,000 sealed indictments in place against powerful leaders, Taylor asserted that Trump, who is “ten steps ahead of everybody,” has put the National Guard on notice to prepare for civil unrest in the wake of mass arrests. Taylor asserted that Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among those set to be indicted, claiming that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is methodically building cases against them so that they cannot escape on any sort of technicality.

10 steps? Don’t you cranks talk with one another? Liz “Red Shoes” Crokin claims the Tiny Tyrant is always 15 steps ahead. Not that either one of you is right. Trump couldn’t even manage the National Guard in a real crisis situation. Other people had to do it, while he sat all alone, trying to keep up with videos. As for Sessions, he has other problems right now, and I doubt anything could tear him away from his obsession with weed.

“This corruption goes so deep and so wide and so long that it is going to take military-style tribunals to deal with the treasonous acts that are being committed right now in the United States,” Taylor said. “You are going to see people get rounded up that are going to blow your mind.”

Yeah. Y’know, Mr. Taylor, you keep predicting blown minds over this and that, but it never happens. Perhaps you could try predicting something which has a reasonable chance of happening. You can pick up good tips from people who do cold reading scams.

“The pedophilia and the child sacrifice thing, I think it is absolutely huge,” he added. “It is going to boggle the mind when they find out and start digging … Strap in, get ready for the ride because this is going to be going on for years, these military-style tribunals. They’re going to make Nuremberg look like a cakewalk.”

Huge. Uh huh. Odd that it’s only fanatical christians who are talking about this imaginary nonsense. That’s not huge. Start digging? I thought there were 5,000 sealed indictments all read to go. Even all the illegal shit that Trump & Co. have done so far doesn’t amount to Nuremburg II. It’s bad enough as it stands. So, different day, same old shit from you modern day “prophets”. Wake me up if you come up with something new and original.

Via RWW.

War on Christmas: Won!!1!

The Cephalopodmas Tree. © C. Ford.

Oh, the war on xmas, it be won! It’s the Trump effect! People can say merry christmas again! :eyeroll: The dumbfuckery of this is overwhelming. Who gives a fuck if you want to say merry xmas or have a safe and sane saturnalia? All this crap, yet another attempt by idiotic christians to pretend they are long-suffering martyrs who are oh-so-persecuted. Everyone in the world isn’t an exclusive asshole like we are! *sob*.

This morning on “Breitbart News Daily,” host Alex Marlow spoke with Williams about international issues and the White House tree lighting ceremony. Marlow asked Williams if there was “more for the president to be doing” to promote Christmas, to which Williams responded that he hopes the Trump administration continues the work it’s doing because “people were really fed up with the war on Christmas that we’ve seen over the last few years and really during the entire Obama years.”

“Part of the swing toward populism, toward nationalism, is also a swing toward religion and a recovery of some sort of Christian identity, the importance of faith. And I think that we’re seeing more public expressions of that,” Williams continued. “There are the new tallies on Christmas card sales and things, and ‘Merry Christmas’ is blowing away ‘Happy Holidays’—you know, these kind of whitewashed greetings from past years are looking more and more like a thing of the past.”

Your christian identity and the importance of your faith is dependent on a commercial holiday greeting? Puddles have more depth than you sanctimonious hypocrites. I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, and Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings were quite popular back then. I don’t remember anyone having shit fits and compleat meltdowns over it. There’s room for a whole host of holiday greetings and sentiments. In our house, we have Ratmas and Cephalopodmas, none of which is taken seriously. It’s a silly holiday, it should be fun. I’m not twisting in the wind because you christians are ignoring Brumalia, and will ignore the upcoming Saturnalia. Also, most christians are well aware that your precious Jesus wasn’t born on the 25th December.

“So what I’m seeing, and I’m very delighted with, is people are more overtly expressive of their own faith and religiosity, and that’s part of the Trump effect,” Williams said.

Marlow said he agreed and thought there has been a “substantial war on Christmas.” He also alluded to a newfound “war on Thanksgiving” taking place in which liberals want to “ruin Thanksgiving for us.” He expanded that he thought it was interesting that liberals want to destroy holidays that feature religious components.

Since when is ‘thanksgiving’ religious? It’s people stuffing their faces and watching sportsball. Granted, those things are near religious in Ustates. I have no love for fucking liberals when it comes to ‘thanksgiving’ either, because if they wanted to do something, they’d give up their day of overeating in favour of the National Day of Mourning, seriously boosting the voices of indigenous peoples. They could also stop patting themselves on the back for having their “giving Tuesday” the week after their food and shopping overindulgence. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

Williams said the wars on Christmas and Thanksgiving are “a real globalist push from certain Americans on the left.”

Excuse me? The ‘thanksgiving’ disease is Amerikkan, and like most diseases, has infected other countries, but certainly not all. There’s no war. Much like your god, your holiday wars are all in your head.

Via RWW.

The Bear, Leucrota, and Parandrus.

The bear forms its offspring with its mouth. The female gives birth to a small eyeless piece of flesh which is gradually shaped in to a cub by licking. It is born head first resulting in a weak head supported by strong loins which allow the animal to stand on its hind legs.

The leucrota is a swift animal born in India. It is the size of an ass with the hindquarters of a stag, the chest and legs of a lion, [a horse’s head and a mouth split open as far as its ears. It has a continuous jawbone instead of teeth].

Parandrus, Kongelige Bibliotek, Gl. kgl. S. 1633 4º, Folio 15v.

Text Translation:

Of the bear The bear is said to get its name because the female shapes her new-born cub with her mouth, ore, giving it, so to speak, its beginning, orsus. For it is said that they produce a shapeless fetus and that a piece of flesh is born. The mother forms the parts of the body by licking it. The shapelessness of the cub is the result of its premature birth. It is born only thirty days after conception, and as a result of this rapid fertility it is born unformed. The bear’s head is not strong; its greatest strength lies in its arms and loins; for this reason bears sometimes stand upright. Bears do not neglect the business of healing themselves. If they are afflicted by a mortal blow and injured by wounds, they know how to heal themselves. They expose their sores to the herb called mullein – flomus, the Greeks call it – and are healed by its touch alone. When sick, the bear eats ants. The bears of Numidia stand out from other bears by virtue of the shagginess of their hair.

Bears are bred in the same way, wherever they come from. They do not mate like other quadrupeds but embrace each other when they copulate, just like the couplings of humans. Winter arouses their desire. The males respect the pregant females, and honour them by leaving them alone; although they may share the same lair at the time of birth, they lie separated by a trench. Among bears the time of gestation is accelerated. Indeed, the thirtieth day sees the womb free of the cub. As a result of this rapid fertility, the cubs are created without form. The females produce tiny lumps of flesh, white in colour, with no eyes. These they shape gradually, holding them meanwhile to their breasts so that the cubs are warmed by the constant embrace and draw out the spirit of life. During this time bears eat no food at all in the first fortnight; the males fall so deeply asleep that they cannot be aroused even if they are wounded, and the females, after they have given birth, hide for three months. Soon after, when they emerge into the open, they are so unused to the light that you would think they had been blinded. They attack beehives and try hard to get honeycombs. There is nothing they seize more eagerly than honey. If they eat the fruit of the mandrake they die. But they prevent the misfortune from turning into disaster and eat ants to regain their health. If they attack bulls, they know the parts to threaten the most, and will not go for any part except the horns or nose: the nose, because the the pain is sharper in the more tender place.

Of the leucrota The beast called leucrota comes from India. It is the swiftest of all wild animals. It is as big as an ass, with the hindquarters of a deer, the chest and legs of a lion, the head…[Of the parander] … thick coat. It is said that the parander changes its appearance when it is afraid and, when it hides itself, takes on the likeness of whatever is near – a white stone or a green bush or whatever other shape it prefers.

This part of the manuscript is a bit confusing. The leucrota is somewhat confusingly described as having the rear parts of a stag, and the chest and legs of a lion, but with cloven hooves. Its most distinctive characteristic is its charming wide-mouthed grin, which stretches across its head. Its teeth are single, continuous pieces of bone, and it is capable of imitating the sound of a human voice.

The Parandrus is a beast from Ethiopia that can change its appearance, so that it can conceal itself by taking on the appearance of its surroundings. It is colored like a bear, but is the size of an ox and has long hair. It has the head of a stag with branching horns, and has cloven hoofs.

Folio 15r – De monocero; the monceros. De urso; the bear.

The Daily Bird #550.

From “The”: An action shot of a Kalahari Scrub-robin, in the act of foraging (though for what, in that gravel, I can’t imagine). The “bars” in the background are due to the fact that it was hopping around underneath a picnic shelter. Taken in Etosha National Park, Namibia. Click for full size!

© “The”, all rights reserved.