
©voyager, all rights reserved

I’m so excited. This morning there was a tiny mourning dove in my yard. At first I thought he had fallen in and couldn’t fly because he’s really small, but when I approached him those tiny little wings flapped as fast as they could and up he flew to the top of the fence. Once I was back in the house down he came again to feast on all the seed that the grackles spill. He’s adorable and has perfect camouflage for a ground feeder…he’s the colour of dirt.

Anatomy Atlas Part 9 – Mouth

I hate having to have teeth. Intelligent design my ass – two sets for the whole life and even with modern technology nigh impossible to keep clean and free of cavities. And I am one of the few lucky people who at the age of 40 years has all 32 teeth and only four fillings despite indulging in sweets  a lot. I dread the day when I will have to have one of my teeth to be pulled out. Two of the four filings are in one tooth, the likely candidate for this lovely process.

Content warning – description of a bungled medical procedure.

Mouth anatomy

©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

When it came to mouth Professor Kos had a very sad story to tell. It involved his brother, who had the misfortune of having impacted wisdom tooth that had to be removed. And the doctor who did that task was not a dentist, but a surgeon, who approached the thing in a surgeon-like way – he cut through he left cheek and removed the tooth from there.

However he made a mistake – he did not manage to avoid parotid gland and he cut into it. The constantly flowing saliva prevented the healing of the cut having to have drainage in his left cheek constantly. Then the surgeon decided to remove the gland on this side of the face completely, thus his brother ended up disfigured for life.

Professor Kos was very angry and agitated when he told this. He concluded that a surgeon as incompetent as this has no business operating on people and should have his licence revoked. I agree.

Dead Soldiers Woulda Loved Me!!1!

Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!

In contrast:

We can never truly repay the debt we owe our fallen heroes. But we can remember them, honor their sacrifice, and affirm in our own lives those enduring ideals of justice, equality, and opportunity for which generations of Americans have given that last full measure of devotion.

Via Rawstory.

Jack’s Walk


©voyager, all rights reserved

It’s a hot cloudless day here with temperatures hovering around 28°. Lovely weather…for humans. Not so lovely if you’re a big brown dog who hasn’t lost his winter coat yet. Jack’s in the process of shedding and, even though his fur is coming out in bunches and bunches, he’s still a hairy beast. So to bypass the worst of the heat we set out early this morning and kept the walk short. Even then, Jack was unenthusiastic and plodded slowly most of the way. He did perk up once we were home though and is now happily sat in front of the air conditioning vent. The forget-me-nots in the photo are blooming madly beside my driveway. I have no idea how they got there, but they’re cheerful and I like them.

Beware The Dolls!

Three Dolls, Vintage Warehouse.

Three Dolls, Vintage Warehouse.

Democratic Florida state Rep. Kim Daniels is also an exorcist preacher whose bill requiring all public schools to display “In God We Trust” goes into effect this summer. Ms. Daniels also has a thing about dolls. And witches. Now granted, dolls are creepy (at least to me), but they aren’t demonic or otherwise possessed. If you’re afraid of dolls, well, they’re kinda like vampires – you have to invite them in, after you’ve purchased them of course (or worse, made them!)

In her book, Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits: How to Deal With Demonic Conspiracies (June 5, 2018), Daniels writes on how evil spirits operate under covers that make up our everyday lives. From fashion to furniture, from trends to traditions, and from rituals to dolls, Daniels shows how the familiar areas of our lives can harbor demonic influences. One of these areas is fetishes.

“Most idolatry is rooted in fetishism,” Daniels writes. “Simply put, a fetish is an object with a spirit attached to it. If we’re not vigilant, we can open doors to familiar spirits in our lives and homes simply by the items we possess and the practices we keep.”

In writing on fetishism and idolatry, Daniels goes back in history to when dolls had spiritual value attached to them. In religions and occult practices, dolls were used as supernatural intermediaries to confer favor, represent gods and enact witchcraft.

Oy. If we’re going to talk fetishes, how about we have a nice chat about the overwhelming amount of christian ones? Generally speaking, dolls have a long history of being toys, a comfort item for young children. If you go back far enough, dolls were happy comfort items for all genders, they weren’t just for girl children. As for ‘representing gods’, let’s go have a cleansing of every single fucking christian based church. No more altars. No more ugly crucifixes with Jesus dolls on. No more rosaries. No more statues. No more stained glass windows. And so on. I mean, you wouldn’t want to take a chance, would you?

“If you create an atmosphere of holiness and seek God,” Daniels says, “everything that is not like God will come out of hiding and be exposed.”

Great idea! From now on, all christians need to strip their homes of all the comfy material stuff, because it could be harbouring a spirit! Live like monks or nuns. And no fetishes, either!

Via Joe My God and Charisma News.