Avalus has sent us some wonderful photos of a spider he found in his parent’s garden. Photos are under the fold and you can click for full size.
…Then there was this spider, patiently waiting for prey.
Avalus has sent us some wonderful photos of a spider he found in his parent’s garden. Photos are under the fold and you can click for full size.
…Then there was this spider, patiently waiting for prey.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a spider posting, but Nightjar has brought us some dandy shots to make sure we stay current.
Tiny spiders seem to be about as busy as I am this spring, the few times I’ve gone out with the camera I’ve come across one or two doing spidery things. Here’s a selection from the past few weeks!
Photos are below the fold. [Read more…]
It was Easter weekend and summertime weather (though next week says some frost is in the books, so…) and someone came to say hi!
© rq, all rights reserved.
The reveal is below the fold.
I did not know that spiders were active in the snow. I found this one in the forest climbing out of my footprint on his way to an important date. He was moving pretty fast, probably because Jack was giving him the nose. Photos are below the fold.
Avalus has sent us a puzzle today. Somewhere in this photo there’s a spider. Since the spider is hard to find I’m going to put the photo on the front page. If you’re arachnophobic please skip past this post, but if you’re not can you find the spider? The answer is below the fold. (click for full size)
Nightjar has sent some wonderful photos of a wee little spider which you will find below the fold.
This month I haven’t been able to go out with the camera much, but today while gardening I came across this tiny flower spider on an African Daisy and immediately thought I had to share it. Later in the day I checked back on it and it had already managed to catch a little fly! Sadly I couldn’t take a photo because by then there wasn’t enough light available to photograph such a tiny subject with my gear. I will surely keep an eye on it from now on!
At some point Affinity became the go-to place for spiders and Nightjar continues this tradition with a wonderful set of photos taken at dusk.
I’ve noticed a lack of spiders on Affinity lately and since there is one currently living right in front of my bedroom window I thought I would share. I’ve only seen it after sunset, I think it’s one of those spiders that only sit in the middle of the web at night. I got home late today, saw it and went inside to grab the camera to get some silhouette shots against the evening sky, but the light faded too quickly and I had to resort to using the flash for a few more photos. The flash really brings out all those hairy and spidery details, making the last photos particularly unsafe for arachnophobes I think.
All photos are posted under the fold.