Advantages of an Unkempt Lawn

On a short mown lawn, boringly green,  you do not get to see these. The orange flowers are Hieracium aurantiacum, which is to my mind the most handsome dandelion relative growing here. It is also an endangered plant in CZ so we are mowing the lawn in a way as to allow them to flourish. There are only a few patches around where it prospers.

©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

Jack’s Walk

©voyager, all rights reserved

People have started mowing their lawns and for the most part the dandelions will be kept cut down. Still, some dandelions will find places to live and thrive and secretly that pleases me. Mr. Voyager and I often wish that we could let our grass grown long and wild and full of colourful weeds, but that’s frowned upon when you live in the city so we comply and cut. Maybe someday people will realize that all that mowing and watering and tending to grass is unnatural and bad for us and the environment.


Jack’s Walk


©voyager, all rights reserved

It’s a hot cloudless day here with temperatures hovering around 28°. Lovely weather…for humans. Not so lovely if you’re a big brown dog who hasn’t lost his winter coat yet. Jack’s in the process of shedding and, even though his fur is coming out in bunches and bunches, he’s still a hairy beast. So to bypass the worst of the heat we set out early this morning and kept the walk short. Even then, Jack was unenthusiastic and plodded slowly most of the way. He did perk up once we were home though and is now happily sat in front of the air conditioning vent. The forget-me-nots in the photo are blooming madly beside my driveway. I have no idea how they got there, but they’re cheerful and I like them.