Now we’ve talked a lot about how important wildflowers are in general for all kinds of lovely critters, so here they are.
Teensy tiny bees. The flower has at most a diameter of 15-20 mm. The bee is the size of my pinky finger nail.
A very fat fly. Probably one of those that try to eat us alive.
This one dressed all up for the occasion.
Yes, there’s also spiders.
And pretty birds ;)
That green-pink metallic fly looks gorgeous.
The antennae of that beast don’t look like fly to me.
I think it’s some solitary bee.
I’m fairly sure that the little green-pink metallic critter is a cuckoo wasp, family Chrysididae. They are gorgeous.
I think you’re mistaking parts of the plant for antennae.
I don’t think so: in the first pic something like an antenna extends apparently to the left of the critter’s head.
In the second, something extends to the right. The view to the flower is very much the same in both pictures.
Have a look at this.
Seems that Nightjar was right.
@wereatheist, I think you and Nightjar are indeed correct and it is some species of gold wasp.
Oh, I just see that there was a misunderstanding. I thought you were talking about the critter in the last picture. Also, taht’s a badly named creature if there ever was one. Golden wasp????