Adorable Balls of Fluff

These sweet floofy faces were photographed by Emily Davis, who is the daughter of Anne, Cranky Cat Lady.

Emily has been watching the swans at Holyrood Park during her daily bird walks. They’re nesting, and today she has pictures of fuzzy cygnets. 

©Emily Davis, all rights reserved

©Emily Davis, all rights reserved

©Emily Davis, all rights reserved


  1. kestrel says

    Such beautiful birds. And I’m sorry but I don’t find cygnets “ugly”. I’m looking at you, Hans Christian Andersen….

  2. chigau (違う) says

    I never understood the point of that story. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”?
    Swans are enormous. A swanling could have kicked the *bleep* out of all of the nestmates.

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