Oh, it’s Lance Wallnau again. Lance has decided to be the voice of god with presidential access, because um, someone has to do it?
Lance Wallnau posted a video on Periscope today in which he declared that if Americans rebel against the will of God and give Democrats control of Congress in the 2018 elections and allow them to impeach President Trump, it’ll mean that “the spirit of Antichrist” has triumphed over the church.
Streaming from inside the Center for National Renewal in Washington, D.C., with whom he apparently has an official connection, Wallnau declared that charismatic Pentecostal Christians such as himself have been called to “have access to presidents as the voice of God” so that they can “release this warrior angel for America.”
The Center for National Renewal expends quite a bit of time and energy to come across as mild and humanitarian, and I suppose for christians, they might slant a bit to that side, but their main drive is the ‘centrality of christ’, which they feel should be front and center in every facet of life, including government. They seem to think they’ll be successful in bringing together all the 30,000something factions of christianity. They are firm believers in National Christianity, which should worry the hell out of everyone.
Of course Lance decides that his particular flavour of christianity will be the voice of god with access to presidents. The plural is interesting. I guess Lance wants a lock on more than just the Tiny Tyrant. Oooh, a warrior angel. That would be something to see. Too bad we never will.
“If America goes down,” he warned, “if we screw up these midterms coming up, if we let the devil put a false impeachment on this president, if the will of man rebels against the will of the majority of the people that put him in through the Electoral College, then the spirit of Antichrist beat the spirit that was in the church of Christ.”
Boring. So boring. The talk about the antichrist has been going on for fucking decades, people have been so sure that this or that president is the antichrist, yadda, yadda, yadda. So now it’s just the spirit of the antichrist, is it? I guess you can’t blame an antichrist of getting tired of waiting and wandering off. Seems to me that people have been rebelling and fighting against the crime called the electoral college ever since the election, which the Tiny Tyrant lost. The electoral college is an unnecessary appendage, which was first dreamed up as yet another protection for slave owners. It has no business in a modern constitution which disavows slavery altogether. Unsurprising you find christians in favour of the spirit of slavery. As for impeachment? I live in hope, and it would not be false. The idiot king has no right to be in office.
“So that is why I am at the gates of influence,” Wallnau added. “Because Washington is where the gates of hell want to take over and it’s not gonna happen.”
Mm hmm. Which is it, gates of influence or gates of hell? I think you’re going to have to pick, Lance. Some would say there’s little difference between the two, given lobbyists and the wealth of corruption bubbling away. Personally, I think you just want to get in on some of that oh so sweet corruption, stuffing those pockets with more cash.
Via RWW, there’s video.
But Lance, Obama is gone. You said HE was the anitchrist, you couldn’t be wrong.
The medieval christian portrayals of hell usually illustrated what the priests were doing behind closed doors.
Just on Twitter, someone noted that Antichrist is supposed present himself as a hucksterish, obviously godless and immoral ruler who just mysteriously lures most Christians into following him.
Putting aside that it was a minority of the people that put him in through the Electoral College, I’m curious what he thinks the difference is between the “will of man” and the “will of the people”. I know what I think the difference is as a feminist who thinks these words matter, but I doubt he’s concerned about “man” being the default sex in our language.
I was taught differently, but going by this, we’re standing on the edge of the abyss then. Good to know.
Tabby: If anything pushes out Trumpian politics, it’ll likely be the will of woman.
Caine: It was just my paraphrasing of someone’s tweet-length summary of the premise in bestselling rapture novel series whose name I can’t remember.
Lumipuna, yeah, I got that. :D
What I remember being taught was that the antichrist would be intelligent, suave, urbane, charismatic, and charming. So he could talk everyone into evil, y’know. That’s widespread teaching, and it’s why so many christians were absolutely certain Obama was the antichrist.