An event planner with no political experience whatsoever, and a trail of bogus degrees has been placed in charge of federal housing programs in NYC. Ms. Patton was one of the people running Eric Trump’s fraudulent charity. So you can see why the Tiny Tyrant chose her: a liar, happily corrupt, with experience in committing fraud.
Donald Trump has named an event planner with no relevant experience and a sketchy resume to oversee federal housing programs in New York City.
Lynne Patton, who arranged Eric Trump’s wedding and tournaments at the president’s golf courses, was appointed Wednesday to lead the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Region II, which includes New York and New Jersey, reported the New York Daily News.
Patton will oversee the distribution of billions of dollars in taxpayer money to public housing authorities, as well as tens of thousands of rental vouchers and block grants to fund housing inspections and programs for senior citizens.
She has no housing experience, and Patton has claimed degrees she did not earn.
Her LinkedIn profile claims a law degree from Quinnipiac University, although the school’s registrar said Patton attended for two semesters but did not graduate.
She also listed Yale University on the social media profile, but HUD officials were unsure why.
Patton defended HUD Secretary Ben Carson last month, after he said poverty was a state of mind, and praised White House budget director Mick Mulvaney for saying the Trump administration would “measure compassion” by the number of people who were removed from government assistance programs.
If you are in NYC, and had hopes of help in this direction, you might want to start looking elsewhere. Via Raw Story.
Given the Trump habit of not paying people, I wonder if this is in lieu of the money they owed her for wedding planning?
That would make as much sense as anything else.
She’s basically a less educated Ben Carson -- only those people care about urban housing duncha know?