Reason #5
My combat tour in Iraq resulted in enough disability to make me uninsurable, but not enough to get all my healthcare through the VA. You killed me, you prick.
Reason #4
Asthma. I cannot afford to be in a high-risk pool and without health insurance, I will die of an asthma attack. I will die of an easily controlled incurable lung disease that affects millions. I hope my parents put my blue-faced body on Congressman Lloyd Smucker’s doorstep.
Reason #3
because you took away my fucking insurance
Mediaite has the full story. Mail Me To The GOP. If the senate passes the Fuck You No Healthcare Plan, I’ll be signing up.
No healthcare stuff:
As an unmarried Canadian, I can get at least one person into this country through marriage. I’m starting to feel like I should start up a matchmaking service for sick Americans and single Canucks.
Also, I really really hope the fuckers who voted for this get voted out in the next elections, but I’ve lost most of my faith in democracy.
Ireland has a “right of return” for 2nd generation emigrants. I’ve got a lawyer in Dublin working on trying to get me Irish up, which would mean that if I need medical care I’d get on a plane and fly to the old country.
Fuck mailing the GOP my ashes, I’d go down and explain it to them while I’m dying. Let them handle the fresh corpse.
The democrats hope that, too, but I feel like you do. A healthcare marriage brokery is a good idea.
I hope you can take advantage of that. Even if something like that applied to me, which it most certainly does not, I don’t have the kind of money which would allow me to fly to Ireland and stay somewhere other than a sidewalk. That’s the thing -- most of the people looking at losing care and coverage are more like me, there’s no money for options, even if those were available. So, there’s being ill and dying.
I have never been more grateful to be Canadian. I would be at risk to die, too. I have no private health insurance and often complain that my prescriptions are too expensive (about $600/month,) but I get lidocaine injections every two weeks for free. Every Drs. visit is paid. Physiotherapy is covered when I need it. Every blood test, ultrasound, x-ray, surgery both major and minor are covered. I take that for granted because it all seems so BASIC. Everyone who voted for this is simply a psychopath. They should have no place in civilized society. I’m with Sandycat. If I wasn’t married I’d sign up for her matchmaking service.
Voyager, you can get injections every two weeks? 3 month in between mandate here, for my spinal, neck, and shoulder injections. Usually works out more to 4 months in between in my case, because I won’t do morning appts, and only Mon-Wed. Anyroad, right now, insurance pays for those, which is a good thing, because they run around $1,000 to $1,300 per otherwise. The insurance runs out in 2019, when Rick retires. That’s gonna be fun. Hopefully, we’ll be able to swing the move to Mexico, because, being civilised, they have excellent healthcare.
I’m stuck with a minor co-pay per visit, and of course, the cost of my meds, which is outrageous, but I am so much more better off than most people, it’s not funny.
Yes, I get lidocaine injections in my neck, back and sciatic nerves every 2 -- 3 weeks. I see a pain specialist for them. They last 7 -- 10 days depending on the weather and how much I do. I can also get lidocaine IV infusions every 6 weeks if things are bad. I don’t like them very much because they lay me out for a few days, but they reach spots that are not exactly injection friendly. All of it is covered here. I am gobsmacked at the cost your insurance pays. It’s outrageous and unaffordable for just about anyone without insurance. Especially considering most people who need them probably struggle to work. I hear Mexico is quite nice, but you shouldn’t have to leave your country just to survive. Maybe your government should worry more about emigration than immigration!
Ooh, I like this. I’m certain it’s illegal to leave a corpse in public, but I wonder about the logistics of this form of protest, about making it happen. *Something* has to make the human cost real to the fucking demons in the government, a heap of corpses would be a good start.
I guess you’ve all heard about the fact that it will once again allow insurance companies to deny coverage for victims of rape and domestic violence
It probably does not apply to men punched in the face because they asked a woman “why didn’t you go to the police”. Also not to dudes kicked in the nether regions for saying “look at those horrible muslims punishing rape victims”. Because no rapist and abuser has ever thought of telling his victim “well, you can report me, but you’re the one who’ll never get health insurance again”.