“This poor Gorilla. How is she going to function in the real world, by not having all of her luxurious vacations paid for anymore? She needs to focus on getting a total make-over (especially the hair), instead of planning vacations! She is a disgrace to America!”
Jane Wood Allen, a Chestatee Elementary School teacher in Georgia just couldn’t stop herself from being an obnoxious bigot all over Facebook. It seems that americannews.com (no, I’m not linking), an alt-right sewer, is Ms. Allen’s favourite reading. Apparently, they had a nasty story about the First Lady, and Ms. Allen couldn’t wait to get her 2cents in.
…The post was shared over 2,000 times after Houston Ph.D. student Roni Dean-Burren shared screenshots of Allen’s commentary.
A spokeswoman for the school district, Jennifer Caracciolo, told Forsyth County News that school officials were made aware of Allen’s posts on Friday, September 30, and were looking into the matter. She said, “Racism and discrimination are not tolerated in Forsyth County Schools.”
The post prompted Internet users calling for her to be fired. A Facebook page called, “Chestatee Elementary School Fire Jane Wood Allen, NOW” was also created and demanded her removal.
Dear @FCSchoolsGA.
Fire Jane Allen now. Fire her, issue an apology, and begin implicit bias training for your staff.
This is NOT ok. pic.twitter.com/stQtWFOwfb
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 2, 2016
I strongly advise not reading the comments on that tweet.
In a statement released on Facebook on Monday afternoon, Forsyth County Schools wrote, “Effective Monday, Oct. 3, Jane Wood Allen has been relieved from duty and is no longer an employee of Forsyth County Schools. Racism and discrimination are not tolerated in our school district. We are committed to ongoing staff training on the acceptance of all individuals. As this is a personnel matter, the district will provide no further comment.”
I have to say, I’m pleased Ms. Allen outed herself as a vile bigot, because no children should be exposed to anyone with such festering poison, and I have no doubt whatsoever that Ms. Allen has not been able to make herself look at and treat children of colour as well as white children. Ms. Allen, you are no loss. It’s a shame you didn’t lose your job ages ago. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Via Raw Story.
The more these people out themselves and are removed from positions of education and authority, the better. Just a shame they have to hurt people in the process.
I’m not going to read the comments, but I’m guessing they all revolve around frozen peaches and PC culture.
I wonder how all those white people would feel having an openly anti-white employee at their school interacting with their white children (even in the current environment where white people are not an oppressed minority).
That, and “personal opinion”, which seems to be a new mantra. Someone actually tried to argue that maybe she called everyone gorilla.
She won’t be unemployed for long. I’m sure some charter school or private christian school will be happy to hire her.