Didn’t have to go far for this Sunday Facepalm, they are all over, and epic. Epic failures in humanity. We start with one John Stemberger…
The Florida Family Policy Council’s John Stemberger wrote in an email to his group’s members today that in the wake of the massacre at a gay club in Orlando on Sunday, he wants to see greater “unity” among Floridians in the form of more American flags and fewer “special interest rainbow flags” in memory of the victims:
The Pulse nightclub is right next to a Dunkin Doughnuts, Wendy’s, Radio Shack and a 7-11 store where I often buy gas and get my children Slurpees. I ride my bike through this area of town often. This is in part why this tragedy has affected me so deeply. This is my community. These are our streets and neighborhoods. The people that were killed and injured are not just “gay.” They are human beings! They are my neighbors! They are fellow Americans! Honestly, I am really tired of seeing special interest rainbow flags and wish we could see more American flags, as we stand together in unity against our greatest mutual enemy, radical Islamic jihadists!
He responded to criticism of conservative Christian LGBT rights opponents in the wake of the attack, saying that “Christians should be prepared to be attacked and persecuted if they do not bow down and pledge allegiance to the gay pride flag and all it supposedly represents.” LGBT rights advocates’ strategy, he said, is to “manipulate and bully Christians into submission to the new orthodoxy of the moral revolution.”
Christians should be prepared to be attacked and persecuted if they do not bow down and pledge allegiance to the gay pride flag and all it supposedly represents. In stunned disbelief, I was listening to CNN at 1:30am on Sunday night and I heard the leading gay-rights activist from Los Angeles being interviewed. She openly said you don’t need to find a terrorist cell to find this kind of hatred. All you need to do is look right here in America at fundamentalist Christians. The CNN anchor did NOTHING at all to challenge her or question her about her outrageous claim.
We need to be prepared for the stunning and false narrative of the Left which is that all major world religions, including but especially Christianity, breed hatred and create a hostile environment which “causes” the kind of violence we saw in Orlando. The goal of gay-rights activists is to try and get Christians to stop proclaiming God’s design for marriage, gender and human sexuality. And they are not playing fair. The goal to simple. If you disagree in any way, no matter how gentle, loving or respectful they will call you a “hater” and a “bigot.” They will scream at you publicly and test how committed you are to your beliefs. Their strategy is to manipulate and bully Christians into submission to the new orthodoxy of the moral revolution. Please know that as for me and “our house” at the FFPC, we will never be moved by this attempt at intimidation.
Just a fine example of a good person, eh? Well, there are more examples.
Timothy Buchanan of the far-right outlet BarbWire responded yesterday to the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando by urging members of the LGBT community to go back into the closet and stop provoking people to commit violent acts by kissing in public: “It’s worth considering that homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals might be safer returning to the closet. Flaunting gross immorality and defiant wickedness that is hideous, odious and wretched to an overwhelming majority of people is a foolish and dangerous course of action.”
“Those who come to the United States from other cultures — some of which are infinitely more moral than our own — are going to be offended and repulsed by the rampant depravity that has become a defining characteristic of our culture,” he added. “No amount of education, sensitivity training or political indoctrination will change that.”
Diversity, Buchanan said, is destroying American culture and society, along with the liberal policies of the “evil” Democratic Party and its support for “murder, sexual depravity, lust and rebellion.”
Unfortunately, there’s more of this at Right Wing Watch. Next up, Kevin Swanson, who thinks a whole lot of us should just be put to death because that would make life so much better:
Yesterday, Colorado-based pastor Kevin Swanson addressed the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando by arguing that homosexuality and Islam are both inherently violent because God gives gay people and Muslims up to their dishonorable ways and other sins like murder.
“Why do homosexuals murder homosexuals?” he asked. Because, according to Romans 1, “God gave them up to vile passions.” “Violence” and “murder,” he said, are deeply tied to homosexuality. […] Swanson hosted an event last year with GOP presidential hopefuls including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, where he repeated his longtimebelief that a just government would put gay people to death.
More of this upstanding gent at Right Wing Watch. Onto Sam Rohrer, who explains the intense biblical foundation of uStates, and how the queers are chasing god away:
American Pastors Network president and former Pennsylvania lawmaker Sam Rohrer linked Sunday’s mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando to Supreme Court decisions securing rights for LGBT people, telling conservative talk radio host Steve Deace this week that Supreme Court decisions involving marriage equality and “God’s order for human sexuality” have helped to cause God to remove “His hand of protection” from the country.
“God has made very clear,” Rohrer explained, “that every nation that He has established — and He establishes all nations, we’re told that all nations are established by God, even the very geographical boundaries of the nations are determined — that when a nation, any nation, does what God says, meaning that they fear Him, that they uphold and enforce God’s moral law and God’s design for the family and for the family and for civil government, all of those are His, when those things are done, then God will bless a nation.”
“One of those blessings are the increase of wealth, one of those things is a security and protection from the neighbors around them,” he continued, “even the enemies will be at peace with them, we’re told in a number of places in Scripture. But when a nation backs off of that, particularly a nation such as ours that has a very biblical basis in an understanding of biblical principles — that’s where our Constitution came from, Declaration of Independence before that came out of that. When those things were there and put in place, when a nation turns their back on those things as we have and [are] increasingly, arrogantly doing, then at that point the justice of God says ‘I cannot any longer bless’ and these things which you’re doing will lead to not His lack of blessing, but insecurity and so forth.”
More of Sam at Right Wing Watch.
There’s also Rick Wiles: Orlando Massacre Was God’s Judgment On America and Dave Daubenmire: Gays Murdered In Orlando Were On The Devil’s Team
That should get your Sunday started in all the right wrong ways.
Gah… unfreakingbelievable. (Well, sadly, NOT unbelievable.) The Partner wants to know what these people are on… I think they’re all messed up on religion. Holy crap.
I love it. The nth iteration of “you wouldn’t have problems if you didn’t exist.”
First Mr Stemberger says it’s us, everybody and then he turns around and drops the LGBTQIA community from “us”. Then he equates criticism and letting the other to have any rights as persecution. Fuck that shit!
Mr Buchanan talks about rampant depravity. I’m hard pressed to find a better example of rampant depravity than glorification of violence, scapegoating and cheering on the murder of various less-privileged people.
What does Mr. Rohrer base his claims on the nations and god on? I think the wealth of nations has much more to do with work done in bib overalls that bible.
Ice Swimmer:
This is an idiot who thinks current geographic boundaries were set by god. Apparently, he’s completely unaware of how much, and how often they have changed. You won’t get anything approaching reality from him, oh no.
National boundaries are determined by the current state of play of the magic sky faeries’s game of Risk.
I have to agree that blasphemous acts incur divine wrath. Just look at the history of Western civilization since Christians took over the Roman Empire and abandoned the worship of the god Zeus/Jupiter. First, you had the barbarian invasions. Then the rise of Islam and the slow death of the Byzantine Empire. The crusades supposedly were to help the Byzantines but did fatal damage instead, and also caused a lot of deaths in Europe. Then you have the Black Death. A couple of centuries later, the religious wars devastated much of Europe and caused a civil war in England and massacres of Protestants, then Catholics in Ireland. And look at the death toll of the U.S. Civil War, fought by Christians on both sides. So were World Wars I and II in the West. The membership of the fascist movements, including the Nazi Party, consisted of conservative Christians who believed in the Christian nation concept. Which is why 6 million Jews and 25-30 million “atheists” in the Soviet Union died. And look at what Reaganism, driven by conservative Christians, has done to the U.S. in the last 36 years: Impoverishing 10s of millions, driving us into pointless wars that killed or injured 10s of thousands of Americans and millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa.
It is quite obvious that until we restore the worship of Zeus/Jupiter, and the other Olympians so that they don’t get jealous and wrathful, with daily sacrifices of animals and with prayers and incense burning to the Olympians in all government meetings, all over the Western world, we will continue to suffer from such disasters.
“God gave them up to vile passions.”
Then wouldn’t it count as some sort of sin to repress those god-given passions?
Timothy Buchanan:
(bolding by me)
If he is so impressed with the morality of other cultures, why is he clinging to his beliefs instead of converting?
Johnson catman @ 8:
I have to say, I was rather impressed by his honestly expressed admiration. Most of them won’t be quite so forthright.