Dino for you and dino for me

A turkey relative eating one of our own ancestors 80 million years ago. Makes you think!

Behold the roast turkey jammed with stuffing, or better yet deep-fried in one big sleek pot fired up and humming like a jet turbine on full afterburner. Smoked is good too! And it’s a great choice for a feast, the turkey has an illustrious history. In fact, Ben Franklin felt one humble member of genus Meleagris deserved wider recognition:

For in Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America… He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.

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Sharia Turkeys destroying thanksgiving!

Really, you just have to read the baby-cooking crazy shit these clowns believe. This is relayed via TPM from a nutjob site:

In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a torturous method: Islamic slaughter,” Geller writes. She continues that if you like freedom and hate sharia, you should boycott Butterball and ask them to stop selling these nefarious birds.

Other warnings have been issued by several wingnut activists and serial grifters, including the claim reportedly made by Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association that ‘every turkey sold by Butterball has been sacrificed to Allah first!” What if the Sharia Turkeys join forces with the atheist Otters from Go God Go and begin cracking Christan skulls on their tummies?! Oh nooooo! Thanksgiving is dooomed!

Thanksgiving atheist theology

Maybe theology isn’t the best word for it. Well OK, no maybe about it, theology is a terrible word. But whatever you want to call it, this piece by Jennifer Oullette has it and makes a great read the day before Turkey Day for all my godless and atheist curious friends:

(SciAm) — If one embraces an atheist worldview, it necessarily requires embracing, even celebrating, one’s insignificance. It’s a tall order, I know, when one is accustomed to being the center of attention. The universe existed in all its vastness before I was born, and it will exist and continue to evolve after I am gone. But knowing that doesn’t make me feel bleak or hopeless. I find it strangely comforting.

Newt goes there

Newt Gingrich is being roundly criticized or praised this morning for purportedly showing a heart on immigration. One never knows with Newt, a pretty face or a stack of cash is all it takes for him to break every vow he’s ever made. But there are advantages and disadvantages in what he seems to be proposing on one of the Teaparty’s hot-button issues: [Read more…]

Climategate Part II

Actual NASA temperature record

Another batch of emails stolen from CRU has been released, but so far wingnut miners dredging for propaganda gold have been disappointed. Interest is already ebbing given the worst anyone can come up with so far are two out of context quotes below, neither of which are quite the smoking gun our usual suspects pine for: [Read more…]