The meaning of life and then some

Great topic brought up by Ed Brayton at Dispatches, who writes in part:

The entire span of a person’s existence on earth is not even a blip on the radar in the context of the physical and temporal existence of the universe. But just because our lives have no grand, universal meaning doesn’t mean they don’t have any meaning at all. You do not matter to the universe but you certainly matter to the people around you.

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Be skeptical of claims of G-men coordinating goon squads to clear Occupy camps

The Angry Black Lady makes a good point about claims of FBI and DHS collusion on evicting the Occupy encampments:

As far as I can tell, the source for this claim is an article in, which quotes an anonymous Department of Justice official who claims that the multi-city raid of Occupy camps “was coordinated with help from Homeland Security, the FBI and other federal police agencies.”

I used to work for these guys. [Read more…]

Baffling mystery in the Gobi Desert easily explained?

Baffling structure in the Gobi desert found on Google Maps is one of two or more, click on image for more at the Telegraph including a side-show

Using Google maps enterprising researchers have found a network of strange grid lines on the Chinese side of the Gobi Desert. They include military vehicles and reflective substances arrayed around one of the patterns. The origin and purpose of these structures are baffling to most onlookers. But there may be a relatively mundane explanation: [Read more…]

Gingrich gears up to fleece the faithful

Newt Gingrich is rising in the polls for GOP presidential nominee and he’s understandably thrilled, but not for the reason you might think.

(CBS News) — Gingrich was widely written off several months ago after an exodus of advisers from his campaign, but he has soldiered ahead on a shoestring budget compared with his rivals. A new CNN/ORC International poll shows him in a statistical tie with Romney, with 22 percent to the former Massachusetts governor’s 24 percent.

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