Dear daughter,
I am writing this letter at a treatment center for eating disorders in Chicago — four hours away from our little house in Toledo.
Deciding to come to treatment and leave you behind was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. While it hurts right now, I know I will be a better mom when I am well.
Daughter, I hope you are never in this situation. If you are ever struggling, know that you are never alone. Don’t wait to reach out for help.
I love you more than anything. You are beautiful inside and out and you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone.
I think about you every day and I can’t wait to come home.
So good to hear from you and I hope your treatment is progressing! I’m sure you’re missing your daughter and your husband terribly, but I hope being away and on your own is giving you time to focus on yourself so you can get well quicker.
Thinking of you, and I remain in awe at how strong you are. May the difficult work you are doing now yield dividends in the form of a happier, healthier life for you and your family in 2022, and beyond.