Can you believe in a higher power and still be an atheist?

Can you believe in a “higher power” and still be an atheist? Does a “higher power” automatically refer to a god?

My husband is not an atheist. He doesn’t consider himself a part of any group or religion, but he does believe that there’s an energy that connects all living things. That’s about it. He doesn’t get very specific about it.

What’s funny is that I recently met someone with the exact same belief. She didn’t want to be considered a part of any group or religion either.

So my question is: can you believe in a higher power and not a god? Does that still make you an atheist?

Back to work, back to life! Upcoming speaking engagement…

I will be speaking to the Humanist Community of Silicon Valley on March 27th at 11am pacific. It feels good to be getting back on track after two months in treatment!

I am back to a somewhat normal routine and will be starting at my part-time job again on Monday. I have a meal plan I am following as well as an outpatient treatment team to meet with. My hunger signals are starting to come back which is a good sign. I missed my family so much while I was in treatment and I’m so happy to be home!