Working on…

Another bag, what else? :D Monday and Tuesday, there might not be much content, I have to head in to meet my radiation doc Monday morning, and to see my primary doc on Tuesday morning. I wish they believed in late afternoons more, be easier. Oh, I should mention, the little black heart is not my design, that’s Urban Threads. Go have a look, they have fabulous stuff. Previous Bag.

Sunday Facepalm.

Bael is the head of the infernal powers. Bael is first king of Hell with estates in the east. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility.

Bael is the head of the infernal powers. Bael is first king of Hell with estates in the east. He has three heads: a toad, a man, and a cat. He also speaks in a raucous, but well formed voice, and commands 66 legions. Bael teaches the art of invisibility.

Mark Taylor, self-styled prophet is knowin’ what he knows’, and he’s still insisting that the Tiny Tyrant is just so gosh darn ready to drop the hammer on all those incredibly powerful satanists ruling everything.

Mark Taylor appeared on the “Faithtalk” program, where he predicted that President Trump has already taken the steps necessary to prepare for a wave of arrests of thousands of satanic pedophiles in the month of February.

Taylor called on “the army of God” to pray that there would be no civil unrest “when they start rounding up these people” so that “divine justice will be served.”

Yeah, we’ve been hearing about this for months on end now, Mr. Taylor. There’s only so much prep necessary for anything. Seems to me this is a whole lotta smoke.

“They’re fixing to, I believe, drop the hammer on a lot of these people and they’re going to start rounding these guys up,” Taylor said. “I think a lot of this stuff, from what I’m hearing in the natural or seeing in the natural—like the military presence, stuff like that—a lot of this stuff is going to start to go down in the month of February. So we’re only a couple of weeks away from when the big stuff might begin to happen. If they do pick the month of February to start rounding people up, that is usually the coldest month of the year for the entire country, so that will keep a lot of people off the streets, if you know what I mean.”

What you’re seeing and hearing “in the natural”? What in the fuck does that mean? Y’know, most people are aware if they are hearing voices and seeing things that aren’t actually there, might be a problem brewing. Love that you stick that “if they do pick the month of February” in there. A person could get the idea that people who bother to listen to you don’t listen well. A lot of places have been in the midst of very unusual cold for a couple of months now, so let’s not use that excuse.

Taylor went on to claim that an executive order that Trump signed last month gives him the power to seize the assets of anyone involved in human rights abuses. This, he said, will be used to target the Clintons, the Obamas and George Soros in order to prevent them from being able to pay groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matters to protest to the wave of arrests.

I know you idiots don’t believe this, but all us liberals, we ain’t gettin’ paid. My bank account is still remarkably lacking marvelous riches. We’re guided by silly things like ethics, compassion, and justice.

“He now has the power to go in and seize this money and to grab it,” Taylor said. “So these people like Antifa, Black Lives Matter … these guys are not going to protest if they’re not getting paid, so if the funds are already drying up and they’re already seizing the money, then the money is not going to be there to pay these protesters. So that is one way that God is working behind the scenes to save America.”

No, he does not have that power. And my, aren’t you going to look silly when the protests don’t stop. I’m sure we’ll be treated to a whole new twist on the same old shit soon enough.

Via RWW.


A fine portrait including the peacock's tail.

A fine portrait including the peacock’s tail.

Text Translation:

Of the peacock The peacock gets its name, pavo, from the sound of its cry. Its flesh is so hard that it hardly decays and it cannot easily be cooked. A certain poet said of it: ‘You are lost in admiration, whenever it spreads its jewelled wings; can you consign it, hard-hearted woman, to the unfeeling cook?’ (Martial, Epigrams, xiii, 70) ‘Solomon’s fleet went to Tharsis once every three years and brought from there gold and silver, elephants’ teeth and apes, and peacocks’ (see 2 Chronicles, 10: 21).

[Read more…]

That Ol’ White Magic.

If you know who to credit, say so.

Mike Cernovich, nazi, is all concerned about nefarious black magic, in Hollywood of course. And elsewhere, I suppose. But he has the secret! White magic, it’s the only good magic.

Mike Cernovich, the self-appointed leader of a movement he calls the “New Right” and a promoter of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, told viewers last night that he believed “dark magic” was to blame for what he claimed is rampant pedophilia among political, Hollywood and “deep state” elites.

In the middle of the stream, Cernovich went a tangent to discuss the magical forces he believes to be at work in the world, as well as his personal magical practice.

“Everything I do is alchemy. That’s why I believe in magic. Not black magic, not the satanic magic that they practice in Hollywood and that the deep state practices and that the media practice. I believe in good magic, light magic, alchametic magic,” Cernovich said. “Alchametic magic is ‘How do I create something out of nothing purely through manifesting my will through power and light, which is value.’ That’s white magic. That’s alchametic magic.”

Okay, dude, alchametic is not a word. Alchemistic is a word. So, right from the start, you’re making up words, pulling shit right outta your arse. As for ‘creating something through manifesting your will through power and light’, yeah, I hate to break this to you, but that doesn’t mean one damn thing. It certainly doesn’t have any value whatsoever, outside your own head. If your “white” magic is so grand, why does it have zero effect? You’re going to have to have something much more solid than power and light. I have power and light too, it’s called electricity. Wonderful stuff, that.

Cernovich went on to explain that he believed the turn of phrase “emotional vampire,” which refers to people that others perceive to be emotionally draining or unpleasant to those around them, is a form of “black magic and that is the magic that is taught by our culture.”

“Whether you know it or not, you’re practicing magic,” Cernovich said, “but you’re practicing the dark, demonic magic—the parasitic magic.”

Oh FFS. Y’know, Mike, some people are just plain assholes. I’d think you, of all people, would know that. Assholes tend to accentuate the negative, true enough. Other people are assholes magnified, abusive, using, manipulative, lots of people like that walking about. And yet other people are dysfunctional in some way, which tends to have a stressful effect on those around them. That’s part and parcel of life, and it doesn’t have one thing to do with magic. Anyone can make the decision to cut ties with toxic people, that’s not magic, but it tends to really make your life better. You could be described as an “emotional vampire”, Mike, given what a toxic fucking asshole you are, inciting people, encouraging bigotry and hatred, lying, and inciting violence.

He went on to tell listeners that this same “black magic” was the motivation behind the supposed “deep state,” an unseen government apparatus that controls the country, and its supposed obsession with pedophilia.

“People go, ‘Well why are there so many pedophiles in deep state? Why are there so many pedophiles in politics and Hollywood?’ Because that’s the darkest magic you can ever practice. Torturing children, as many people in Hollywood do, is how you practice the highest levels of dark magic,” Cernovich said.

A fine example of you being a manipulative, toxic liar. The reason you nasty assholes constantly parrot ‘pedophilia!’ is because that, more than anything else, is likely to get people to pay attention and get upset. People get very emotional about that subject, and rightly so, but it can’t be stated enough how wrong what you are doing is, just screeching ‘pedophiles!’ with absolutely no basis for doing so. There are enough crimes committed against children as it is, every moment of every day, and you spend all your time making people get worked up about non-existent acts. So, you’re adding to damage and crimes committed against children, because you distract and detract from those who actually do such things. You never manage to mention how many children in “good christian” families are being raped by a family member. No, it’s always these nebulous “elite” characters, who, despite having tons of money and powerful positions, just can’t manage without practicing “the darkest of dark magic, oooogabooooga”. No.

Why don’t you start working on “alchameticing” yourself into a decent person, Mike? That ought to keep you busy.

You can read the full mess at RWW.