The Barcelona Zoo is home top a colony of herons who happily steal fish from the penguins and whoever isn’t fast enough.
Today’s Wednesday Wings is the other kind of wings, the one on insects. We’re having a wonderful September or a way too hot one, and at least the bees are enjoying it.
©Giliell, all rights reserved
During our holiday we took a boat trip around the harbour, with many jellyfish swimming around.
I can tell you, taking pictures was a “treat”. If they were close to us the boat would move fast and they’d be gone quickly, if the were further away the light broke too much on the surface for my angle.
Still, there were some nice ones.
Apparently, thistles are delicious.
And as a finale of his week’s series from rq, mostly fluffy pictures.
©rq, all rights reserved. Click for full size.
rq has sent us a little series about various flowers and their residents. First one is goldenrod, and it looks like Solidago canadensis, which is quite common throughout Europe. Sadly this beautiful plant is not only strong allergen in the late summer, here it is also an invasive weed that is damaging the environment by outcompeting local species and creating essentialy monocultures in places.
But enough with being a killjoy – they are beautiful and that is important here and now.
This little fellow at the Barcelona Zoo was obviously torn between wanting a swim and actually doing it.
©Giliell, all rights reserved, click for full size.
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The sunflower is now slowly drying, all the heads full of seeds. But when it was still in bloom, I encountered on it this beetle, one that I have never seen before. I have recognized that it is a member of the family Cetoniidae (flower chafers) but that was it.
I think that it is mediterranean spotted chafer Oxythyrea funesta, which was preliminarily confirmed to me by an actual active biologist. In that case, it is a rare sight because the beetle is rare in Czech Republic and is protected by law.