The Daily Bird #338.

Birds in a cherry tree, from Charly: To brighten the day a little.  The female tree sparrow was busily picking insects and I just could not get her in close up. The male tree sparrow was just swaggering and grooming himself.  The female bullfinch was grooming herself and just sitting there sleepily. The male bullfinch was busy gorging himself on the buds but I managed to get him in the end. Who would have guessed that bullfinch is a de-facto pest and sparrow is useful.  Click for full size!

© Charly, all rights reserved.

Cool Stuff Friday.

Saint Incredibeard.

Oh, does this photo ever make me laugh, it’s great. For the consciously hirsute out there, have a visit to Incredibeard, and don’t miss the Incredibeard Instagram. Part of their proceeds goes to help children access clean water, too, so you can get some nifty stuff for beard care, and be socially conscious, too.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has their Birds of North America up and running, and it is a great resource for all of us dinosaur watchers out there, check it out!

The Daily Bird #331.

A Greater Spotted Woodpecker from Charly, such a beauty! “This time it is a male. He has a strategy for cracking the sunflower seeds, which I was lucky enough to capture – he picks them one by one, places them in a nook between one column and the elevated edge of the feeder bottom where he hammers them to bits. I find this to be quite clever of him, he is the only one whom I spotted to do this and it was not a fluke – he did this multiple times, on the same spot.” That’s one thing that makers of bird feeders don’t take into account, all the birds who use the shove in a crevice and hammer method to get at the nutmeat. A good feeder has some nice cracks or crevices built in! Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved.