As mentioned previously, tufted tits (more correctly, European crested tits) have been a tough customer for me. They are shy and hyperactive, plus their camouflage markings make them difficult to see, as they prefer to remain in the hedgerow as opposed to coming out in the open. So today’s exemplar is uncooperative. In other words, find that tit!

Such a pretty little bird, as you can see… (c) rq

A little bit of yoga, to stretch the neck and spot those seeds! (c) rq

Not looking at you… (c) rq
Unfortunately, that’s the best I could do. I really love them, but they could manage to hold still long enough, couln’t they…?
Here’s someone else’s photo to get a better view:
And in honour of today’s Perseverance rover landing (hopefully!) On Mars – David Bowie’s “Life on Mars.