The tiny horse painting competition has been judged and Kestrel tells us,
I did not win anything but I got an honorable mention in the Gallery division, and the judge – a very well respected top level artist in the hobby – made nice comments about my entry. So that was nice, I appreciated that she made comments. Thought you’d like to know!
Thanks for the update, kestrel. It’s too bad my vote doesn’t count because I think you should have won first place.
Well done kestrel!
Thanks. I think the big thing in any competition is to do it, and enter. Plus then you can sit around and talk about your silly hobby with other entrants and no one ever says, “For crying out loud! SHUT UP about the model horses, already!” because they are all just as interested as you are. So there’s that. :)
He looks like Otto!
Well done kestrel!
Nice job-very realistic. Shows a lot of effort. Reminds me of when my son was a Cub Scout. Every year they held their Pinewood Derby, where the boys would make a race car out of a block of wood. You could always tell the cars that were made by the dads as opposed to made by the boys as the rules specified. A lot of those cars were pretty sharp. Then there were always 2 or 3 cars that were obviously made by the boys, (my son’s among them)-- big difference. Yet they were so unique! And it seemed they always won the awards for Best Design or Best Paint Scheme, recognizing the effort of the boy and not the father. So, you get an A for effort.
well done. I can only imagine how good the other models must have been if you did not win this competition.
kestrel, your miniatures are beautiful, I loved seeing the process and I love the result.
I personally do not care who won since I do not like competitions.
Thank you Charly. That means a lot to me.