It’s melting! Rapidly melting! It’s +6°c today (-6°c yesterday), and we’re saying bye, bye to all the snow again. That would be the snow that I’ve shovelled twice and will no doubt shovel a third time because it’s going to be warm and rainy for a couple of days with snow expected again by Sunday night and then more melting next week. Sheesh! Snow… Shovel… Melt… Mud. Snow, shovel, melt, mud. I’m trapped in the back aching, snow moving, muddy, messy, messed-up Canadian version of the Groundhog Day of Climate Change. Since it’s still January, it will, of course, get cold again after that and I can only hope it will stay that way.
There. I’ve said it. I want January to be cold. It’s supposed to be cold. The lakes should be covered in ice, the ground should be frozen solid, Jack should have more hair than this and I should be bitching about how fucking cold it is, not about this crap.*
*Sorry, Australia. I know this crap is so much better than what you’re dealing with, but Father Weather won’t let me share. Be safe.
Last night was so cold I had to change out of my short sleeved shirt! Down to a luvverly 12°C or so. Had a bit of rain so I’ll be grass cutting again soon, no rest for the wicked.
Anyways, Jack looks as cute as he always does. Hope your back holds out too.
Climate change is fucking everthing up, isn’t it? We’ve had 14 (!) degrees C here this week…
In northern Europe, we’re currently having third storm since the year began. During the previous one (Jan 8), temperature in Helsinki peaked around 7-8 C, not quite January record but fairly close.
These aren’t unusually strong winter storms, but since the soil isn’t frozen, I worry that the wind might cause a lot of damage in forests by felling trees. European timber market is already clogged from huge emergency loggings since droughts and pest breakouts have been killing central European forests over the last couple years. If your forest goes down now, nobody’s gonna buy the timber before it rots.
We did not have temps below -7 this winter yet, and never longer than overnight. And the most snow we had was about 5 mm.
When I was a kid, half a meter of snow for two-three months was the rule, not the exception, and snowdrifts on the way to my house were sometimes twice that deep.
This is the first winter that I remember when the snowplows were not deployed yet where I live.