Avalus has sent us a small puzzle. Can you find the lizard? It took me a while, but it’s there. Click the photo for full-size.
Eidechse: First task is to find the lizard (and ignore my feet, they are there for size). This cute little lizard was very curious indeed.
Hey, little lizard, I see you!
Found it!
Well, that took much longer than what I would like to admit…
I gave up after a few minutes -- I’ve always been horrible at these “find X in the photograph” things.
If it’s in the shadowed area I could probably spend hours without seeing it!
Oh, sorry springa73. I meant to add a photo with an annotation where to find it but must have forgotten :(
I will send the pic when I am on my owm computer.
Spoiler: It sits just unter the first fold of the jeans of my left leg.
Cute little lizard, once you spot it it’s easy to see, but not before.