It was a wet and windy weekend, and by this morning, almost all the pretty leaves had blown away. There are a few bright patches here and there, but the riot of colour is finished for another year. Jack and I set out feeling a bit blue about the bare trees, but the sun was shining, the day was warm and pleasant, and it wasn’t long before we were both feeling better. The colour may be gone looking up, but there’s still plenty of pretty here on the ground. We passed burning bushes burning scarlet and porches with pumpkins and mums in pots. We found lavender of the palest blue, golden hostas and even a red-breasted robin picking at purple berries. The fallen leaves from the weekend are still full of colour, too, and they brightly litter the ground in every direction. Jack says he can see the leaves better this way, and he thinks that’s why they fall – so the small creatures who don’t look up much can appreciate them too. I didn’t tell him otherwise.
Someone’s still enjoying the lavender(?) I love the wings and the smooth abdomen.
We’ve had some wet snow falling here, but not enough for it to stay. Some autumn leaves are still in the trees.
The weekend here was also a bit wet, but the storm in other parts of the country didn’t come here.
I’m happy that I went to sauna and swimming on Sunday (the sea is getting colder and the swimming sensation more intense). It’s good counterbalance, as I’ve been rather busy and I’m going to be busy for a while more with study-related things.