If you are yearning for some leftist Youtuber, Thought Slime is also good. I do not agree with him on everything, but I do agree with most of this video and it made me finally subscribe to him.
If you are yearning for some leftist Youtuber, Thought Slime is also good.
Off-topic question: What if I’m yearning for some rightist Youtuber in order to hear “the other side of the story”? Any good one? As for Thought Slime, I’d like him more if he was more straight to the point and stopped injecting some “funny” elements into his videos.
@Gelaos, you are joking, right? If you go on a stroll through YouTube left, you will find out that many of them have videos rebuting some rightwingers. That should give you some names to go to and hear “the other side of the story”.
I won’t point you to any specific racists and fascists here though, you have to do that for yourself.
@Charly I am not joking. I’m not interested in outright racists and/or fascists (unless you consider all right-leaning people to be racists or fasists, etc.) -- that’s why I asked: “Any good [rightwing YouTuber]?” Even if I’d disagree with most of what they’d say, I think it’s still good to listen to them in order stay informed about their point of view and way of thinking.
@Gelaos, I am not aware of any right-wing youtuber who does not at least covertly propagate some racist/sexist/transphobic shit.
If you are interested in non-racist and non-fascist right leaning youtubers, then perhaps you should pose that question at another time than under a video that is specifically about racism.
@Charly I looked for such YouTubers elsewhere but it seems they’re hard to come by. Anyway, thanks for your answer.
Now I’d like to return to the original video. Is it true that there’s more genetic diversity in Africa than in any other part of the world or between any other parts of the world combined (4:37)? I don’t know much about biology etc. so I’m curious.
@Gelaos, AFAIK it is true, but I am not an expert on human genetics either. The only field in biology that I almost became an expert in was dendrology, and that was twenty years ago.
But some sub-Saharan populations from Africa differ from each other definitively more than for example Slavs differ from Roma because they split from each other in a more distant past than Slavs from Roma. It is one of the reasons why lumping all people from Africa in the same “race” as people from for example the Middle East is pure nonsense. And it is even more nonsense to lump Roma people with them in one category, because genetically Roma people are Indo-European, just like Slavs, Germanic and Romance speaking people.
One good proxy for genetic ancestry is in fact language -- and this does correspond to genetic findings in Africa where there are four “native” language families. Compare that to Europe, where there is de-facto only one family (Basque is a puzzle and Uralic languages are imports). But language is only a proxy because it can change and diversify faster than genetics can.
If you want to learn more, google is your friend. It is in fact very interesting to read about.
I’m not an expert either, but it seems language is generally a poor proxy for genetic ancestry* because language phylogenetic trees can’t be tracked further than around 10,000 years back, and because language quite easily transmits from one genetic population to another. For example, Bantu languages in Central/Southern Africa are spoken by genetically wildly different populations.
*Incidentally, this was recognized in Finland early on, because our local nationalists desperately wanted to identify with the European “White” community. In Western Europe, the followers of Blumenbach tended to assume all Uralic speaking peoples were racially at least in large part Asian or “Mongoloid”. This was an endless source of annoyance and anxiety for Finnish nationalists of late 19th/early 20th century.
My comments are getting eaten? Testing.
There’s often been a system hiccup when I post my first comment after a new login, but this time I wasn’t able to recover the text. Charly, is there a spam file you could check?
Not that it greatly matters. I’ll just note that the diversity of language families is actually higher in America, Asia and Oceania, compared to Africa.
I think the notion of whiteness being a tool for exclusion is well put. I’ve long thought the US concept of whiteness originally meant basically “English or passing as such”. It was just natural to call the in-group “white” because the most important out-group to be excluded (ie. slaves) had a strikingly dark skin tone in comparison.
As for “Caucasoid” people, IIRC, Blumenbach wanted to establish a lump category for European, West Asian and North African people. This was then adopted in US, probably because until recently there were so few West Asian and North African people that having separate classification for them was deemed unwieldy. Since virtually all “Caucasian” people in US were traditionally White (if not outright WASPy), people started conflating Caucasian with White.
@lumipuna, your comments were insta-trashed. I do not know why. It seems to me that the spam filter is going haywire.
From what little I know, genetic diversity does not of course correlate with linguistic diversity perfectly. But it does correlate, and the correlation is significant. Even within Africa only -click-, but the subject is too big for my head.
Off-topic question: What if I’m yearning for some rightist Youtuber in order to hear “the other side of the story”? Any good one? As for Thought Slime, I’d like him more if he was more straight to the point and stopped injecting some “funny” elements into his videos.
@Gelaos, you are joking, right? If you go on a stroll through YouTube left, you will find out that many of them have videos rebuting some rightwingers. That should give you some names to go to and hear “the other side of the story”.
I won’t point you to any specific racists and fascists here though, you have to do that for yourself.
@Charly I am not joking. I’m not interested in outright racists and/or fascists (unless you consider all right-leaning people to be racists or fasists, etc.) -- that’s why I asked: “Any good [rightwing YouTuber]?” Even if I’d disagree with most of what they’d say, I think it’s still good to listen to them in order stay informed about their point of view and way of thinking.
@Gelaos, I am not aware of any right-wing youtuber who does not at least covertly propagate some racist/sexist/transphobic shit.
If you are interested in non-racist and non-fascist right leaning youtubers, then perhaps you should pose that question at another time than under a video that is specifically about racism.
@Charly I looked for such YouTubers elsewhere but it seems they’re hard to come by. Anyway, thanks for your answer.
Now I’d like to return to the original video. Is it true that there’s more genetic diversity in Africa than in any other part of the world or between any other parts of the world combined (4:37)? I don’t know much about biology etc. so I’m curious.
@Gelaos, AFAIK it is true, but I am not an expert on human genetics either. The only field in biology that I almost became an expert in was dendrology, and that was twenty years ago.
But some sub-Saharan populations from Africa differ from each other definitively more than for example Slavs differ from Roma because they split from each other in a more distant past than Slavs from Roma. It is one of the reasons why lumping all people from Africa in the same “race” as people from for example the Middle East is pure nonsense. And it is even more nonsense to lump Roma people with them in one category, because genetically Roma people are Indo-European, just like Slavs, Germanic and Romance speaking people.
One good proxy for genetic ancestry is in fact language -- and this does correspond to genetic findings in Africa where there are four “native” language families. Compare that to Europe, where there is de-facto only one family (Basque is a puzzle and Uralic languages are imports). But language is only a proxy because it can change and diversify faster than genetics can.
If you want to learn more, google is your friend. It is in fact very interesting to read about.
I’m not an expert either, but it seems language is generally a poor proxy for genetic ancestry* because language phylogenetic trees can’t be tracked further than around 10,000 years back, and because language quite easily transmits from one genetic population to another. For example, Bantu languages in Central/Southern Africa are spoken by genetically wildly different populations.
*Incidentally, this was recognized in Finland early on, because our local nationalists desperately wanted to identify with the European “White” community. In Western Europe, the followers of Blumenbach tended to assume all Uralic speaking peoples were racially at least in large part Asian or “Mongoloid”. This was an endless source of annoyance and anxiety for Finnish nationalists of late 19th/early 20th century.
My comments are getting eaten? Testing.
There’s often been a system hiccup when I post my first comment after a new login, but this time I wasn’t able to recover the text. Charly, is there a spam file you could check?
Not that it greatly matters. I’ll just note that the diversity of language families is actually higher in America, Asia and Oceania, compared to Africa.
I think the notion of whiteness being a tool for exclusion is well put. I’ve long thought the US concept of whiteness originally meant basically “English or passing as such”. It was just natural to call the in-group “white” because the most important out-group to be excluded (ie. slaves) had a strikingly dark skin tone in comparison.
As for “Caucasoid” people, IIRC, Blumenbach wanted to establish a lump category for European, West Asian and North African people. This was then adopted in US, probably because until recently there were so few West Asian and North African people that having separate classification for them was deemed unwieldy. Since virtually all “Caucasian” people in US were traditionally White (if not outright WASPy), people started conflating Caucasian with White.
@lumipuna, your comments were insta-trashed. I do not know why. It seems to me that the spam filter is going haywire.
From what little I know, genetic diversity does not of course correlate with linguistic diversity perfectly. But it does correlate, and the correlation is significant. Even within Africa only -click-, but the subject is too big for my head.
@lumipuna, I suspect the problem might be the name “Blumenbach”. Could you try and make two comments, one with it and one identical but without it?
I did know that guy had a favorite skull, but didn’t know it was associated with a memory of a pretty sex slave.
It is a magic word! One whom shall not be named!
Also, thank you for recovering those two comments!
OK, maybe I have figured it out. Can you try a comment wit that name again to test whether my solution worked?
I did know Blumenbach had a favorite skull, but didn’t know it was associated with a memory of a pretty sex slave.
It works! Thanks again for investigating!