Jack’s Walk

Happy Thanksgiving, ©voyager, all rights reserved

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada and our version of the holiday is a mix of harvest celebration, family get-together and time to count your blessings. We usually eat too much and grumble at how early the Christmas Season starts. There will be talk of Halloween and lots of remember whens and someone will tell the story of Dad and the whipped cream. There will be turkey and ham, squash and fresh green beans, apple and pumpkin pie and we don’t forget the cream, iced or whipped take your pick. Some of us will spend time outdoors going for walks and putting up Christmas decorations and most of us will spend a few minutes counting our blessings.

I have many blessings and I try to count them every day, but this year I have a whole new set of blessings to count and that is all of you. I feel very privileged to be a part of this community. You have all welcomed me during a very difficult time for this blog and your support means a lot to me. I’ve made friendships here with people from all over the world and although I will probably never get to meet any of you in person I value our friendship a great deal. So on this Canadian Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for you.


  1. Ice Swimmer says

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

    I’m giving my non-Canadian thanks to the whole crew in this blog.

  2. dakotagreasemonkey says

    Thanks, Voyager, for being part of the team keeping this blog alive. C and I are blessed to have you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. DonDueed says

    cream, iced or whipped take your pick.

    Why not both?

    Hope your T-day is/was great with minimal bloating.

  4. dalemacdougall says

    As a Canadian living in the US for about 20 years, I sometimes forget when the real Thanksgiving is. Thanks for reminding me. Of course turkey is turkey and I do like watching me some NFL on American Thanksgiving.

  5. rq says

    I hope you had a wonderful feast, voyager! Due to it not being an official holiday here (boo!), we usually pick the most convenient Saturday ca. Real Thanksgiving and throw a great big turkeyfest for friends and family. This year, that is next Saturday (so yes, my contributions will most likely be on the light side until next week…).
    I am thankful for this blog, for Caine making it what it is, and for the group of people that has gathered here -- authors, commenters and other contributors. I am glad to be here.
    (And ice cream or whipped cream? That is not a choice. Both, obviously!)

  6. jazzlet says

    Voyager I hope you had a lovely day with the people you love.

    I’m thankful for finding this blog and several others where there are people who can disagree, but still be friendly, and who value rational thinking about issues ather than mindless emotion, but who also know that our emotions are an important part of who we are, thank you all for that.

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