And the Siamese cat got its facial tint from stealing fish out of the frypan of the gods.
Raucous Indignationsays
Dear sweet Akira, this photo captures his essential derpiness. Last time he caught a mouse (chipmunk actually) he released it alive and unharmed in our bedroom. That was fun.
chigau (違う)says
Nice rug.
Raucous Indignationsays
Chigau, thank you. The puppy likes those rugs too. She thinks they are delicious.
It better were, cuz if not, I will eat YOU.
What has it got in its pocketsesss?
I love the subtle psychedelic colours on the cat (who has the airs of a big cat and facial expression is priceless).
And the Siamese cat got its facial tint from stealing fish out of the frypan of the gods.
Dear sweet Akira, this photo captures his essential derpiness. Last time he caught a mouse (chipmunk actually) he released it alive and unharmed in our bedroom. That was fun.
Nice rug.
Chigau, thank you. The puppy likes those rugs too. She thinks they are delicious.