From David, who notes: This is a lighthouse on Kangaroo Island. Other photos show remnants of a machine room and store as well as the jetty where supply ships docked. Goods and people were hauled up via a flying fox. It was a long way from the jetty to the top. The lighthouse is still operational, but like most these days, it is fully automatic. Click for full size.
© David, all rights reserved.
I always heard “flying fox” in reference to fruit bats. I didn’t know it also referred to a method of transport.
It’s been 40 long years since I set foot on KI. Must get there again while I’m still able. A beautiful place, even to a teenager back in the 70’s.
A “flying fox” refers to a fixed wire cable with a small pulley set that runs along it. They are particularly popular in childrens playgrounds. Bigger versions can cross rivers and canyons and of course with another pull cable be used to get people and goods up and down steep slopes. An example. There’s nothing more embarrassing than traversing a gorge on a flying fox without a pull cable and not having the momentum to reach the other side.
Oh my!