The Infinite Now from Armand Dijcks on Vimeo.
Over the past months I’ve been working with Australian photographer Ray Collins to bring his amazing oceanscapes to life in the form of cinemagraphs, a blend between photography and video. Each cinemagraph is created from one of Ray’s stills, and sets it in infinite motion, making a unique moment in time last forever.
These cinemagraphs inspired André Heuvelman from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra to get together with pianist Jeroen van Vliet to record a very moving custom soundtrack, which I combined with a selection of the cinemagraphs.
You can see the original cinemagraphs at
Ray’s images can be found at
André Heuvelman’s music:
Stunning and mesmerizing work by all!
The Canadian Museum of History has unveiled a unique new exhibit that brings the faces of a 4,000-year-old Indigenous family back to life.
The museum revealed the three-dimensional forensic reconstruction of a shíshálh family whose remains were found in an ancient burial site near what is now Sechelt, B.C. The digital images move and blink in the incredibly life-like display.
“To look back on some of our people that existed within our territory 4,000 years ago, and to be in close proximity of their images — it’s a humbling experience,” Chief Warren Paull of the shíshálh Nation told CBC News.
“I see cousins. I see family.”
You can read more about this here. Amazing work.
Women’s history has long been marginalized in mainstream education, relegated to its own niche of study and overlooked in favor of male-dominated historical narratives. SHE INSPIRES, a group exhibition at The Untitled Space, highlights these lesser told histories through the work of over 60 contemporary artists. Each piece in the show is an homage to an important woman. Curator, Indira Cesarine, tells Creators, “SHE INSPIRES aims to honor and celebrate women who have impacted our culture and tell their stories which should be rightfully included not just as ‘women’s history,’ but everyone’s history.”
SHE INSPIRES is on display at The Untitled Space in Soho through May 20th. Click here for accompanying events and more information.
You can read and see more at The Creators Project.
The Slow Mo Guys take on mousetraps on a trampoline.
The wave video is amazing. Oh the crazy things molecules get ip to when unsupervised!!
Mousetraps -- wow, that was a dumb dangerous stunt but maybe it shows that almost anything looks cooler in slow motion? Those guys have got a pretty nice camera, and with slow motion that makes a yuge difference.
If you haven’t visited their youtube channel, do so sometime. They do pretty much anything they can think of in slow motion. The Slow Mo Guys.
I love the waves! I miss them so much.
The wave art is really awesome. Somehow I feel that the music should be one of those ever-rising chord progressions, like at the beginning and end of A Day at the Races (the Queen album, not the Marx Brothers movie). Since it’s the same sort of idea of continuous motion in one direction.
I liked the music, poignant, but not distracting me from all the wondrous things I saw -- raptors, dragons, horses and more.
Or, to put it better, perhaps, I wouldn’t want music that mimics waves in any way, I want the waves to speak to me, not the music.
Fair enough. And from an artistic standpoint (which is really the whole point), I have to agree. I retract my earlier thought. The ideas are similar, but they’re probably just as well kept separate.
The facial reconstruction is so wonderful, also creepy, seeing, within some margin of error, people dead 4000 years come to something resembling life.
Oh, I’d love to see people I was connected to 4,000 years ago. Continuity.
Caine @ 8
So would I. It would have been late Neolithic Stone Age in what is Finland today (and Bronze Age in some other areas of Eurasia). Agriculture was fairly new here then.
Also, it would be interesting to see where the ancestors actually lived then.
It would be amazing to meet people from 4000 years ago. I like these reconstructions because they’ve given them a lot of character -- there’s a lot of personality shining through, and that makes it so much easier to imagine them as living people, not just random historical figures. Like you could connect with them.
rq @ 11
I think it’s seeing/imagining them as living people, now dead, that’s the creepy/unsettling thing. But on the other hand, it’s a good lesson for us to feel that they were living, breathing persons.
I wonder how many common ancestors of ours would have lived then and where. I guess those of us with Finnic, Baltic or Slavic ancestry might have had some in the vicinity of the rivers Shelon, Lovat, Pola and Msta that flow into Lake Ilmen.