Renee Davis, Killed by Cops.

Native single mom Renee Davis was five months pregnant when she was killed by deputies on Friday (

Native single mom Renee Davis was five months pregnant when she was killed by deputies on Friday (

Renee Davis was five months pregnant when she was fatally shot by King County sheriff’s deputies checking on her welfare Friday night, according to her foster sister, Danielle Bargala.

Davis, 23, had struggled with depression, and had texted someone earlier that night to say she was in a bad way, according to Bargala. That person had alerted law enforcement, leading the deputies to arrive at Davis’ house on Muckleshoot tribal lands shortly after 6:30 p.m.

Bargala, a Seattle University law student, said Saturday that she and other family members have a lot of questions about what happened next. The sheriff’s office declined to comment Saturday beyond what it said Friday night — that the deputies, investigating a report of someone suicidal, found a young woman with a handgun and two small children in the house.

The children were Davis’, ages 2 and 3, according to Bargala. The single mother had a third child, 5, who was at the home of a family friend Friday.

Yesterday, I posted about Native Lives Matter, and an article about the high percentage of Native people who die at the hands of cops. More Indigenous people are killed by cops than any other group. The complete lack of interest in that post was not in the least unexpected, but it left me with a bitter, burning sadness I can’t begin to describe. Yesterday, three people were good enough to actually click over and read the article linked, and one kind person shared the post. I don’t know who you are, but I thank you, from the depth of my heart.

On Friday, Renee Davis was gunned down by cops who were supposedly there to do a wellness check. Obviously, nothing good happened to Ms. Davis. It’s doubtful that any judgment will go against the cops, they seldom do, and yet another Native person is dead at the hands of cops.

Via The Seattle Times.


  1. says

    People were concerned about her health because she was reaching out, they tried to get her help, and the person who was called to help her then killed her, because that’s apparently the only thing cops are good for in the USA.

    Some times it’s not disinterest, it’s just that I was out of time and spoons. Then I can read and comment on some light topics, but heavy stuff, I can’t.

  2. says

    Oh, I didn’t mean you, Giliell, I know you care, and I know you’re interested. I also know how much you have on your plate.

    because that’s apparently the only thing cops are good for in the USA.

    Yeah, that’s really the only conclusion you could draw, especially if you’re looking in from another place, that has sane cops, and standards. I really envy all of you who live in places with sane cops, proper training, and a lack of weapons mania.

  3. says

    Also, now Seattle has decided to offer de-escalation training. Only took a bunch of corpses first. It’s a travesty, that people have to die before cops fucking figure out they should know how to deal with mental issues and know how to properly de-escalate situations.

  4. says

    The whole police in US is broken. Why do cops called to help a suicidal person even go there with guns (or even in body armour, as in one other case)? I am not aware of suicidal people ever harming or killing a cop. They can sometimes hurt their children and/or spouse, but never outsiders. And of course the correct therapeutical approach is not to shoot the suicidal person.

    The saddest thing however is, that even here in Europe we read occasionally (as in at least a few times a year) about the mistreatment of Blacks and Latinos at the hands of US government and police in mainstream media. But nothing about Indians. Not a single word. Ever.

  5. rq says

    Such a familiar pattern: the call for help and the violence that ensues.
    Also, offer de-escalation training -- is it mandatory, or optional? How many hours, when compared to firearms and other violence training?

    “There has been a real, tangible, and objective change in the way Seattle police are interacting, compassionately and with an eye toward treatment, with those in crisis,” he said in a statement.

    Not seeing that here.

    Also what Giliell said about time and spoons.

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