Aug 17, 2016 — Things are escalating quickly, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your help. Over the past few days several more tribal members have been arrested, including Standing Rock Chairman David Archambault II. In retaliation, Dakota Access LLC has sued the chairman, specifically to stop us from interfering with the pipeline’s construction.
Dakota Access knows that our tribe has very little funds to fight their lawyers, and yet they attacked us for disrupting a project that threatens our health and community. This is sick – but we can’t take it lying down. Last time we asked you to make a call for us, you all showed up! Will you help us again?
Call the Energy Transfer Partners Headquarters at (214) 981-0700 and tell them:
“If built, the Dakota Access Pipeline will threaten the health and safety of all those living along its path, and particularly members of the Standing Rock Reservation. We know from the long history of impunity oil companies have enjoyed when it comes to pipeline leaks that it is not a matter of IF this pipeline leaks, but WHEN. I’m calling to demand that you drop the lawsuit you have filed against the chairman of Standing Rock and cease pipeline construction immediately.”
Don’t forget to leave a comment to let us know how it goes!
Bobbi and Anna
Please, please help again. Call, signal boost, whatever you can do. Please, do not leave us alone in this fight, we fight for all people, we fight for healthy land, clean water, and the rights of all people to stand up and say no.
Signed, signal boosted. Chipped in at the last post on their gofundme.
Pilamayaye, thank you, thank you. These fuckers just will not stop.
Signed and tweeted.
Anybody willing to transfer money to their gofundme if I send via Paypal? Gofundme is just a pain in the ass from my place
Thank you, Giliell! I don’t have paypal, or I’d do it.
Has the tribe contacted the ACLU? If not, I’ll go dig through my resources and see if any of my contacts even still work there.
If not, it would be worth it, IMO, for the tribe to reach out to the ACLU and see if they will get on board with some pro-bono work.
I don’t know, but the more people yelling, asking, contacting, the better!
Ice Swimmer, thank you!
How about environmental protection organizations? Which ones have been contacted? Would you like more people to go up there?
From what I know -- journalists and politicians need contact info to someone who can be reached in person or at least by phone. Could copy and send out emails/articles with basic information + contact (if someone here knows great, otherwise will try to find it tomorrow.)
L. Minnik:
People are welcome! The Sacred Stone Camp:
Sacred Stone Camp Po. Box 1011 Ft. Yates, ND 58538 A good drop-off for supplies would be the actual camp located on the banks of the Cannonball and Missouri, north of the community of Cannon Ball. Follow the Facebook page for the most frequent updates:
The Oceti Sakowin Youth can be contacted through their site, Rezpect Our Water.
As for agencies, 3 of them stood with us back in April:
Also, I’m sure anyone at ICTMN would be open to inquiring journalists.
Caine, thanx!
I’ll forward the info to some journalists/publications. If they’ll be interested then I’ll let the organizers know so that in the future, they’ll be able to contact them directly.
According to Wikipedia, Energy Transfer Partners owns Sunoco, and Phillips 66 is a partner on the pipeline, and these companies sell products to customers. ETP also owns Stripes chain of convenience stores.
Dammit. The Pipeline people are vicious SOB’s all right (well, as my spouse has pointed out many a time, never trust someone from an extraction industry…)
Ice Swimmer @ 12:
Yes, and Sunoco is a huge presence in the Dakotas. They almost have a lock, not quite, but almost. If a boycott takes place, it would hurt them.