
  1. says

    :D That was taken in Judith’s garden, she lives in Almont too. Has one of the most extensive and beautiful gardens I’ve ever seen.

  2. blf says

    The mildly deranged penguin is takinginventing notes. The only problem with an Ice Age, as she sees it — hey, she’s a penguin — is it would require Atlantis to resurface so as to continue several promising lines of new cheeses, not to mention preserving existing lines of cheeses. Cheese plants are not particularly Ice Age–friendly, albeit the experiences on Pluto are encouraging…

    Bonus points: A sufficiently long / warm (hey, she’s a penguin!) Ice Age could remove all the pesky long pigs, clearing vast amounts of land for cheese plantations.

    (This transcription of her thoughts may not be completely reliable, due to the ingestion of several Scottish vinyardsbreweries… those malt thingies… by her, her, and perhaps some of the other copies of her I am seeeeeing… HIC.)

  3. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Very nice picture.
    Here in Chiwaukee, the tulips and other early perennials have erupted their leaves, but today, there was still pellets of snow barely coming down while I was out grocery shopping. I’d file a complaint, but Mother Nature appears to have the complaint department mail go to a live volcano prior to “reading”.

  4. says


    Here in Chiwaukee, the tulips and other early perennials have erupted their leaves, but today, there was still pellets of snow barely coming down while I was out grocery shopping. I’d file a complaint, but Mother Nature appears to have the complaint department mail go to a live volcano prior to “reading”.

    Oh, you have tulip leaves already? Everyone is ahead of us. Snow, yeah, if there’s one thing living in ND teaches you, it’s never trust April.

  5. Ice Swimmer says

    Rowwrrr! The petals have a nice kind of orange colour and the stamens with pollen seem to signal “come here”.

  6. says

    Ice Swimmer @ 10:

    Rowwrrr! The petals have a nice kind of orange colour and the stamens with pollen seem to signal “come here”.

    Tiger lilies are pure sexy.

    rq @ 11, thanks!

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