Signal Boosting: Lesbian Etiquette Guide for Stealing Farms

As we all know, lesbians stealing farms is a very… er… devastating social issue that the Republican swine party brought to light recently. Apparently intimidated by this incredible insight into the gay agenda, Autostraddle fesses up:

Truthfully, though, this is not what I saw being chosen for The Gay Agenda’s next phase of implementation. I was hoping if anything was going to be vetted by POTUS it was going to be the Lesbian Takeover of America’s Got Talent (Article Twelve, Section One of The Gay Agenda) because I think it’s fair to estimate three billion people watch it and quite frankly I’d love to be a judge, but it’s important to remember that rural farms are the heart of America and therefore their destruction is the most strategic, if boring, choice.

All has been revealed.


Transition Reactions p8: You made those words up

No contest: The most asinine, frustratingly incomplete train of thought I have ever encountered is when someone responds to trans feminist lingo by saying something so unfathomably thick like “You just made those words up.”

Far be it from ayoudontsay clever “gotcha,” this argument literally wakes babies up in the middle of the night and starts a chorus of endless howling. Locusts drop from the sky, lightning carves out scenes of terror into the country side, crops world wide wilt and decay, paintings bleed, mirrors crack. It is an argument so broken in every conceivable sense that the Earth itself splits open to swallow you whole.

“You just made those words up.”


I don’t dispute that the word “transgender” is made up. That’s because it was made up, just like every other word in the entirety of all language ever. If you’re going to start becoming “language critical,” then do us all a favour and stop speaking, because every word of this sentence was, at one point, made up. Spare me your brain-cell killing argument and fuck off.

Words do not form spontaneously out of physical phenomenon. They’re not written into the code of reality itself. It’s not a crop you can harvest. They occur because a bunch of carbon-based lifeforms came together needed to start collaborating on how to communicate “food over there.” And after a few million years, those same carbon based lifeforms started being able to construct more and more sophisticated thoughts from their collaborations, all of which were built on words that were “made up” and all of which were inspired by the need to tell someone else about something.

[Read more…]

Snark of the Month: August edition

Ha! Joke’s on you. It’s Snark of the Mostly Arbitrary Time Limit Until I Have Enough Traffic To Do This Every Month.

In an effort to encourage engagement, I’m going to start doling out awards for good snark.

Your award is… praise! And confetti. You can’t see it, but I’m popping a confetti popper.

So, for August:


Snark of the Month: EigenSprocketUK

Over on Trump Youth: Totally not Hitler Youth, commentator fakeemailaddress shared a story about an idea they had for a joke:

fakeemailaddress says


For the past few months, I’ve been joking that if I had a bunch of spare cash and a hundred or so friends who were interested in performance art, I’d make a bunch of snazzy pseudo-military uniforms, get everyone dressed up, and march around in formation at Trump rallies. All questions would be referred to “The Don”. If Trump want to act like he’s one uniformed paramilitary short of a 1930s fascist, I’d give him his uniformed paramilitary.

Alas, I have neither the friends, the organizational skills, nor the spare cash to pull this off. It sounds like this person is trying to do something similar, except not as a joke.

To which our Snark of the Month winner, EigenSprocketUK, wrote:

#6 FakeAddress – well, it would start as a joke.

Oh, authoritarians.

Runner Up: militantagnostic

The obvious solution is to deport the economically marginalized. If any terrorist attacks occur after deporting the bottom 10%, deport the bottom 10% of the remaining population and so on. Success is guaranteed. You lefties have no common sense.



Keep snarking in September, fine readers, there were many excellent comments to choose from and I hope for many more.
