Pity the poor dominionists. Today they not only got the air let out of their tires as the US scored the biggest political victory over rogue regimes since Qaddafi was lynched, it may have postponed the End Times to boot! At least according to Fox New and their special pal: [Read more…]
Update 2: Syria just announced they will sign the agreement and join the chemical weapons ban treaty. It’s all over but the details now folks. Call it eleventy-billion dimensional chess or dumb luck, but Obama just scored the biggest foreign policy victory since Geronimo was shot in the head by acting tough while Teaparty Republicans joined liberal wimps.
Update: Senate is said to be drafting new authorization proposal tailored to latest developments that has bipartisan support.
Yesterday events moved fast as Russian diplomats announced the outlines of a possible deal to store and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons, a move which would avert a US military strike. This evening President Obama will make his case before the American people, tea leaves say the WH will not waiver in the need to brandish a credible military threat to encourage Syria to comply. Early this morning US time, Syria appeared to accept the proposal in principle. All well and good, every one is happy! Except of course … the right is facing a huge problem: America may have prevailed and the world may end up a tiny bit safer without the US having to fire a single shot. First overnight developments: [Read more…]
When Hana Williams was adopted from Ethiopia a few years ago, she may have thought her salvation was at hand. Unfortunately, she faced conditions as bad or wrose as any African refugee struggling to survive, thanks to her fundie nutcase parents: [Read more…]
It could be a feint, it could be a delaying tactic, or Syria may have just blinked. Apparently Russia has been talking to their buddy Assad and dangled a non bombing alternative. Here’s the gistt: [Read more…]
The game plan on Syria seems to coalescing on getting something passed in the Senate, then bombs way. To encourage Senate Democrats to that end, sources sympathetic to striking Syria have begun concern trolling the notion that failure to approve a resolution will have dire consequences. Which is silly for two big reasons: [Read more…]
Years ago at the dawn of the blogging era there was a site run by a right-wing evangelical named Joe Carter. The man ran a fun site, in part because he was more than willing to let people like me post harsh criticism in comments about Iraq or creationism. One thing that always stuck in mind from those days, written by Joe during the Iraq debate, was something along the lines of “Democracies do not attack each other.” While most of us understood the hopeful sentiment, it was plainly nonsense and as I recall he was quickly taken to task. Fast forward to 2013, just in case there was any doubt how the right feels about democracy, when that democracy isn’t a compliant pro-western one, it was laid to rest this weekend by these three whackaloons: [Read more…]
I attended an interesting talk given by someone who has been a recruiter for several large firms, both temp agency and principal, for all level of jobs, focusing on the application process. I’ve been to a few of these deals and they tend to always follow a predictable pattern, the gist of which the person running the class is just telling you his or her pet peeves about resumes and applicants. But this one was better than most, the main speaker verified a number of things I had inferred, was at times brutally honest about existing biases, and added some fascinating details. I’ve posted a few tidbits from memory below. Apologies if I got something wrong. [Read more…]
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Whatever lingering respect I may have had for John McCain is surely gone now. Not that there was much left after he tried to foist Sarah Palin on us in 2008. In the video above McCain gets a dose of what his constituents think about Syria. So far so good. But being the craven political vulture he has become, he tried to recover by joining the ‘peachers: [Read more…]