Anti-DEI = racist

Health care workers are being harassed by an organization called “the American Accountability Foundation”. They’re getting letters threatening their jobs.

Federal health workers are expressing fear and alarm after a website called “DEI Watch List” published the photos, names and public information of a number of workers across health agencies, describing them at one point as “targets.”

It’s unclear when the website, which lists mostly Black employees who work in agencies primarily within the Department of Health and Human Services, first appeared.

“Offenses” for the workers listed on the website include working on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, donating to Democrats and using pronouns in their bios.

Wait. Rewind.

…lists mostly Black employees…

What’s that?

…lists mostly Black employees…

Do not try to tell me that the anti-DEI crusade isn’t primarily driven by racism. Just like the anti-immigration policies.

This is America, and it’s racism all the way down.

That’s not all. Here’s a memo from the US Military Academy.

They’re disbanding the Asian clubs, the Hispanic clubs, the Society of Black Engineers, and the Society of Women Engineers, all in order to comply with the president’s executive orders.


  1. sincarne says

    It’s okay, I’m sure the US attorney who threatened to jail anyone who named Musk’s teenage chainsaw gang will get right on this.

  2. freeline says

    This is how Nazi Germany got started — terrorizing opponents of the regime. Not saying that’s definitely going to happen here (though it could); just that the parallel is worrisome.

  3. stuffin says

    Fascism always needs a target. When the immigrant problem is solved, no more immigrants, they will need a new target (enemy), hope the Blacks and Jews are ready. Wonder what the Blacks and Jews who voted for this are thinking now, they obviously weren’t thinking prior to the election. Blacks and Jews will always be welcome to the other side, but they will never ever become a full member of that club. See the current Trump Administration appointees.

  4. stuffin says

    @4 freeline: “Not saying that’s definitely going to happen here (though it could); just that the parallel is worrisome.”

    This is my problem, with all Trump has done in three short weeks, people are still thinking the ship isn’t taking on water, the time to worry has long passed. With the attitudes I am seeing and feeling, panic is next but I’m certain it will be too late by the time that switch is hit.

    Below are a few headlines I found in only a few minutes of looking at news site. If this isn’t enough proof Trump has the people in place and is using (illegal) practices to reach his goal(s). I have no idea what it will take to make people woke to what he is doing.

    Schumer says he didn’t know Trump would ‘screw up so soon

    Trump Is Deleting the Data That Keeps This Country Running

    The experts were right: Donald Trump is a serious threat to Canada

    ROOKE: Trump Struck A Killing Blow To Heart Of Democrat Deep State Machine

    President Trump’s brazen proposal to move all Palestinians out of Gaza and make it a U.S. territory

    Trump sends first migrant detainees to Guantanamo Bay

    No one is safe from Trump’s racist agenda

    Trump makes Musk, the world’s richest man, a ‘special government employee’

  5. StevoR says

    @ ^ John Watts : I don;’t think you sound over the top at all.

    Maybe not over the top enough even.

  6. StevoR says

    @6. stuffin :

    President Trump’s brazen proposal to move all Palestinians out of ethnically cleanse Gaza and make it a U.S. territory.

    Fixed it for you?

    Let’s call it what it is.

    Please. Journos, pollies and pundits especially.

    Oh and it’ll probly turn into genocide (again, continued but worse) if when Gazans resist.

    Never again we said once right?

  7. says

    Oh and it’ll probly turn into genocide (again, continued but worse) when Gazans resist.

    It’ll be a genocide either way. No one in their right mind expects any mass-liquidation/deportation and relocation campaign to either run smoothly, or be adequately funded, by any state that chooses to engage in it. There will be disease, dislocation, suffering and starvation. These sorts of mass-deportation-relocation campaigns are always waged by incompetent and inhumane people, so they will never be carried out competently or humanely.

    (IIRC the Saudis mentioned the possibility of a new town or settlement for relocated Gazans, in the middle of nowhere, where none of their people currently live, and thus where none of the necessary infrastructure had been built. Because of course they’d never let a million or so furriners just move into a place where their own people wanted to live.)

  8. chris says

    I was a member of the Society of Women Engineers for over thirty years. I have never seen it being called a “Club.” The redundancy of its use insulting because it is not an old timey “Women’s Club.” This is what they are:

    It is more of an educational entity, and without them I would not have known about engineering. It was my physics teacher who gave me a flyer. Still I started out as oceanographer, but that lasted about two weeks. The equations for vibration are similar to those for wave and ocean currents, but the pay was much better with just a BS degree.

  9. annattheft says

    “Educational Decree Number Twenty-four: All Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded. An Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge). No Student Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organization, Society, Team Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.”

  10. Walter Solomon says

    Wonder what the Blacks and Jews who voted for this are thinking now

    Yeah, I wonder what all ten of them are thinking. Honestly, who gives a fuck? We have more immediate problems than caring about what some miniscule minority are thinking about how they voted 3 months ago.

  11. PaulBC says

    Holy crap, The Society of Women Engineers is on this list? Not to dismiss the rest but I am familiar with SWE. It was founded in 1950. I had friends in it in college in the 80s. I am not absolutely sure of my memory, but I think at least one was in Air Force ROTC. It’s a very staid organization. WTF. I expect bigotry but the level of sheer ignorance is staggering.

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