I’ve never seen a budgerigar in the wild, but my husband and his mom have, years ago. A pet budgie had gone feral, and was living among a flock of absolute non-parrots, in the suburban municipality of Fife, Washington. Between them, they are not quite sure what the other birds in the flock were, but lean toward invasive starlings. Starlings and budgies are both screechy little guys with some amount of mimicry, that can feed on the ground, that don’t belong here, and that naturally hang out in big flocks. Seem like reasonable company for each other. This unremarkable green parrot gave them a magical moment, and went on its way.
There was an early British heavy metal band called Budgie, whose lead singer had one of those Geddy Lee-Dennis DeYoung helium voices. I understand he lost the ability to sing in that range in later years, but still performed. Going from memory here, I think Budgie wanted to do heavy heavy metal, but without the satanic element. Bowdlerizing? Budgerigarizing. Anyway, Metallica sorta famously covered their hit “Breadfan,” which was about how being greedy makes your life hollow. Real shit, buddy. I mean, budgie.
Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, for reasons not quite clear to me, have a little aviary devoted to budgies. Just regular little pet store animals. You get some seeds on a twig, hold it out, and watch them go. Last time I actually went in the zoo (was it my last birthday?), the budgie spot was closed – but you could hear them screeching it up. The budgening does not stop.
I have to confess, I don’t find most parrots to be attractive birds. Their colors are on the boring side of clown crap, to me. But budgies put together an unusually nice ensemble for a parrot. The ultraviolet cheek spot is cool. The contrasty elements vary in shape and boldness over the body in a way that makes for a nice composition. While they are a dime a dozen in pet stores coast to coast here, I think they look nicer than some much more prestigious parrots. Respect.
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